The curse

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Mars was playing his guitar when he saw something moving in the asteroid belt. He was a bit confused but ignored it. Again he saw something move, so he decided to go there to check what it was.
  He entered the asteroid belt a little apprehensive, that place was a little macabre. The feeling of being watched was bizarre.

???: psst

Mars heard something whisper in his ear (he doesn't even have an ear but whatever).

Mars: Huh? What the-

Mars is interrupted by a laugh. He was trying to locate who it was that was laughing so loudly.

???: BOO
Mars: What? Who are you?
???: HAHAHAHA oh my name? Ceres!

Ceres introduced himself with a wide smile on his face that startled Mars a little.

Mars: ah! Uhhh... I'm Mars
Ceres: Yes I know who you are.

(How does he know my name?) he wondered.

Mars: If you don't mind but... What exactly are you- HEY GET BACK HERE!

Ceres left the scene in the blink of an eye. It looks like Mercury has a new opponent.
Mars continued to try to pursue Ceres, but he soon lost sight of him.

Ceres: Hey big guy.
Ceres: So what are you doing in my territory?
Mars: Your terri- look, first of all, what are you?
Ceres: I already told you. I am Ceres.
Mars: I know, but like, are you a dwarf planet or something?
Ceres: . . . I don't like it when people call me "dwarf." But yeah... I am. Anyway, what do you want here?
Mars: I had seen something moving here and I came to check it out.
Ceres: Hmm. Well now you've checked, so go away.
mars: but-
Ceres: GET OUT.

Mars exited the asteroid belt not very pleased.

Mars: Maybe I should talk to Earth. She knows a lot of things, maybe she has an answer.

Mars then went into Earth's orbit.

Earth: Hey, Mars! How are you?
Mars: I'm fine, I just wanted to ask you a question.
Earth: Alright! What's the question?
Mars: Well, I went to the asteroid belt and found a ehhh DWARF PLANET called Ceres and I wanted to know who he is exactly.
Terra: I don't know much about him, I just know that he's lived in that place for a long time.
Jupiter: Psst! Hey! I was listening to your conversation a little bit and you were talking about Ceres?

Mars and Earth are a little scared by Jupiter appearing out of nowhere in the conversation.He had a bit of that habit of butting in on conversations sometimes. But he is very friendly.

Earth: Yeah. Mars just met him.
Jupiter: Wait, did you enter the asteroid belt?
Mars: Yeah... Is there a problem?
Jupiter: It's just that this place is kind of scary. But not as much as the Kuiper belt!
Mars: What is the Kuiper Belt?
Earth: It is very similar to the asteroids belt, but it is far away, after Neptune's orbit.
Jupiter: It's true! And you must never go there! For they say that place is cursed!
Mars: Cursed?
Earth: And here he comes with these stories...
Jupiter: They say that just being around there makes you go crazy and hallucinate, and that it feels like there are eyes watching you everywhere.
Earth: That's just a legend!
Mars: Poor Neptune, she is very close to the Kuiper belt...
Jupiter: Yeah... She's not doing well.
Earth: By the way, there are several dwarf planets over there! How does this "curse" affect other planets but not them?
Jupiter: Nobody knows! It's a mystery. But even so, their life there is not one of the best.
Mars: Wow! I never want to go to the Kuiper belt in my life!
Earth: Come on, Mars! It's just a legend! There's nothing else there!
Jupiter: The legend is real! That's why you should never go near it. Good thing you only have the asteroid belt here. Now I'm going to get the hell out. Bye gal!
Mars: Hey Earth, I hope you're right it's just a silly legend.
Earth: Trust, Mars! Can't believe everything out there!
Mars:... You're right.

The Curse of the Kuiper Belt (ENG.ver) Where stories live. Discover now