𝟲𝟬; 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁

Start from the beginning

time was thinning and Felix didn't know how to say what he wanted, pink spread across his cheeks as he opens his mouth but shut it before ultimately deciding to speak his mind "You...wanted a kiss, right?" he mumbled so quietly that if Hyunjin wasn't paying attention he probably would've missed it "oh yea I just did-" Hyunjin is cut off by his own thoughts when he realizes what Felix truly wanted


he thinks to himself and takes notice of Felix's faltering gaze


a smirk hangs loosely at the corning of Hyunjin's lips when he finally realizes Felix's yearning before he leans in and nears his face toward the brunette, so close that their breath mingled and vision blurred. if it weren't for his eyes losing focus Felix was sure he would've seen heaven today, no way in hell can he survive Hyunjin being this close to his face with that damned smirk right after he's basically confessed that he wants a kiss 'why am I so annoying and stupid' the boy whines in his head if only his self-control was stronger than his desires

Hyunjin doesn't waste another second and attaches their lips together, it wasn't necessarily a kiss but a sweet and short peck but both the boys are vividly pleased when Hyunjin detaches his face from the brunette and they smile all sheepishly at one another eyes locked and hearts hammering. the sound of someone clearing their throat echoes in the quiet hospital room and both of the boys are pulled out from their false paradise, Chan was still here and they've nearly forgotten about him

"I'll get going now"

Hyunjin mumbled, patting Felix's head before he decides to finally leave the room. the second Hyunjin was out of the room Chan took the opportunity to tug at Felix's strings "he's not my boyfriend!" he mocked in Felix's voice and tone covering his cheeks with his hands, eyebrows raised and eyes widened "We just kiss and make out constantly! have hickeys for weeks and cannot keep our hands to ourselves for the hell of it!" he puts the back of his hand on his head like a damsel in despair as he twirls around in the room forgetting that he was a professional at his job "Hyung!" Felix whines, embarrassment walking over his skin with a crown to her head

well, he clearly had some explaining to do and Chan wasn't letting go of it "I'm letting you off the hook now kid, but the minute we're alone and comfortable you best believe there's a lot of inquiring I've got to do" Chan speaks, shuffling his brows and reddening he tips of Felix's cheeks who avoided his gaze and let him get back to work

and so it began, the first round of Lee Felix's treatment.


it has been six hours and Hyunjin has returned from his job, he didn't want to leave but he knew he had no other option so he did it nevertheless. now he sits here, in the waiting aisle, and waits for Felix to be conscious again. 'he might behave a little out of it when he wakes up so don't get worried, it's only because of the drugs' is what Chan had told Hyunjin and he doesn't know what to expect, what does out of it even mean?

tapping his foot uncontrollably and anxiously on the tiled white ground Hyunjin has managed to zone out of reality completely and fall down a rabbit hole of what might happen, negative thoughts are invading his mind like some ancient old plague and Hyunjin doesn't have any reign over it. "Hwang Hyunjin?" a silky and soft voice brings Hyunjin out of his pondering as he turns to look over his shoulder and finds Seungmin standing there

he doesn't recognize who it is but the face certainly feels familiar to him "Are you Lee Felix's guardian?" the other boy questions and Hyunjin nods steadily "he's awake, you can go see him now" his tone is brief and Hyunjin is immediately on his feet, standing so he can follow the man. The two boys stride toward the end of the hallway and turn to their left, Hyunjin who is very hasty nearly out-walks seungmin and turns to look at him, eyeing him with judgment as if speaking 'Will you walk quickly?' perhaps Felix needed to hold another manners and etiquette class with this ill-mannered kid.

𝟓𝟕 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬; 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now