𝟱𝟵; 𝗹𝘂𝗯𝗲

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It was done—

the arrow had been released, the bullet had been shot and the final blow has been dealt as the ink of a pen glimmered in the white-lit room, through the sheets of paper Felix's freshly done signature was visibly prominent. The treatment clause had been signed and set to happen in two days from now. Felix is scared, of course, nervous and apprehensive and so is Hyunjin, even if he's more concerned about Felix being scared nevertheless he too, is troubled

for the most part the boy feels nearly empty and hollow inside, though he'd push it away on days before Hyunjin's arrival in his life, now he can't because ever since Hyunjin came along he'd stopped feeling this void in his chest and it had returned so he isn't sure how to cope with it. he feels uneasy and anxious, his heart is too fast for his liking and his palms are sweaty while his mind keeps running the idea of the treatment consistently, he isn't sure what to expect even when Chan has explained everything that will go down during and after the treatment

Hyunjin won't answer where he got the money for the treatment and that's also part of the reason he's feeling this way. he's still fearful and hesitant but he knows he shouldn't be, the worst that can happen is the treatment won't work but it doesn't matter anyway because he's bound to die one way or another. A short sigh escapes his lips as he tries his best to stop pondering about what could and would be, blinking and striving to ground himself

"I'll do it with you if you're scared to do it"

Hyunjin's voice brings Felix back to the real world as he stops gazing out from the cab they were seated in and turns to look at Hyunjin "Hmm?" he questions, confused as to what Hyunjin was referring to "Your hair, you don't have to cut them alone" Hyunjin offers and Felix is quick to shake his head "don't even think about it" he draws out a long sigh before dropping his head on Hyunjin's shoulder and relaxing his tense body "I love your hair so don't cut it, okay? not for me, at least" he closes his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest, letting all of his brooding thoughts slip away eventually

"I'll do it alone and gradually...I was scared before but I don't mind it now, it's just hair it'll grow back out"

he sounds reluctant uttering the last part 'If the treatment works and I live long enough, then it will' he wonders to himself before opening his eyes and looking up at Hyunjin whose smiling down at him "I'm proud of you, lixie, for making this decision and being so brave" his heart warms at Hyunjin's words and smile as he responds with a sweet chuckle "thank you, jinnie"

They're silent for a little while before Hyunjin suddenly utters "Lix? Baby, are you tired, do you want to go straight home and rest?" his statement rushes perplexion over Felix who furrows his brows, weren't they heading home anyway? "I...no? is there somewhere you want to go?" Felix is confused while Hyunjin nods "I have to grab something from the grocery store, I thought we should do it just now since I took a day off" Hyunjin elaborates on his sudden suggestion and Felix nods nearly right away

"Sure, I don't mind that" The boy smiles shortly but there's still something troubling the taller "You know how to shop, right?" Felix is yet again confused by his words as he sits straight and looks at Hyunjin with bewilderment while the boy rolls the zipper of his jacket around in his slender fingers "It's just that I don't...and I tried before and it's like I can only buy, you know quick stuff, like snacks and soda stuff that you'd normally get at a store but not like shop-shop" Felix listens to him attentively while the boy explains, once again using his hands excessive

"That's okay" Felix smiles and pats Hyunjin's knee, he chalked this bizarre trait of Hyunjin to occur because of his lack of experience in basic activities, considering the older's lavish background it won't be a shocker to learn that he'd never grocery shopped before "we can shop together, I'll teach you" Felix is back to relaxing himself against Hyunjin while the other is busy instructing the cab driver since he refuses to use his motorbike again no matter how much Felix assures him.

𝟓𝟕 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬; 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐱Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora