𝟱𝟭; 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂

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please don't skip end note <3

The world had stopped, completely. the wind didn't rush past outside, the tree leaves it ought to rustle remained still as if watching hell seep out from its realm and break above Hyunjin, there had been some storm brewing in nature and he was sure of it, and then it came, the storm that had been brewing hitting him worse than his midnight melancholy does. he fell to his knees taking in the sight of Felix who had passed out on the ground, freckled cheeks stained with tears while his nose and lips were bloodshot red

blood nearly drew from the cracks on the boy's lips indicating he had been chewing them incessantly. Hyunjin was sure every person present in the witnessing of his anguish could hear the cracking of his heart. his hands reached out in a second to take hold of Felix as he held him safe and tight in his arms, running his hand across his face to push back the hair that fell across it "Felix?" he whispered so very gently but his soft voice was contrasted by a deep gasp

"What happened to him?!"

it was his mother but he wasn't in the correct sense to pay attention to her right now, his own eyes began pooling with a salt stream as he called out again in an attempt to awaken the unconscious boy "Felix, my love?" his voice quivered as he inhaled a deep breath knowing it was futile even to try and wake the other up anymore, so he did all he could think of at the minute and wrapped the boy in his arms holding him princess style as he stood up from the cold marbled ground and made his way toward the staircase

completely dismissing the two ladies that followed after him as he took steps, trying to see through a blurry vision as he looked down to the sleeping face of his beloved attempting to keep his heart sailing when all it willed to do was drown in this endless sea of sorrow. "Hyunjin, where are you taking him? there are guests downstairs son, let's just call a doctor and keep him in the room" his mother pleaded while Wonyoung peered from Hyunjin's shoulder to take a look at Felix not really understanding what had happened to the boy

the raven head remained silent, not a word left his plump lips when he walked down the final stair after what seemed to be hours long of walking. the swarming crowds of people stopped doing whatever they were doing to gaze at Hyunjin and the boy in his arms. his father's grip over his wine glass tightened as his eyes widened, searching for his mother he glared at her who could only shudder under his blazing glare. whispers filled the large room as Hyunjin made his way through the crowd

the music falling silent, slowly fading into nothingness as all of them watched what had become of the two with either hushed whispers rolling out their tongues or gaping mouths. if the room wasn't air-conditioned I'm sure every single person could feel the blazing fire of Hyunjin's Father's anger, his grip nearly broke the glass as he stood frozen on the ground and watched Hyunjin walk toward the main door and not pay any attention to anyone around them as if he had been put under a spell, his face and eyes void of any emotion like he was not a human being but a marionette. the chandelier that hung high above rattled when the door opened on its own, heavy and trembling wind made its way across the people settling fear in them

it was raining, viciously.


"there's nothing to worry about, he likely fainted due to stress and nothing else" Chan's voice echoed in the quiet of his hospital office as he sat down on his chair which was opposite Hyunjin. the boy was quiet, staring out of the window, keeping track of the falling rain and crackling thunder while all his mind could echo right now was 'I failed to protect him' Despite the boy being fine his heart couldn't accept that. maybe if he hadn't let go of the brunette, maybe if he followed him, maybe if he didn't let his father take away his phone

𝟓𝟕 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬; 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now