𝟯𝟮; 𝗺𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂

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"It's a grace your workplaces are close to here" Chan's voice beamed in the pearl-white room as he walked closer to Felix and sat down on the stool next to him, the boy nodded slowly caressing the IV that was stuck to his hand "I remember asking you to not work too hard" the older man's voice sounded rather disappointed as he watched Felix's pale face with worry lacing his own "I'm sorry" was all Felix could response with

his throat ached-- to be stating the truth everything ached "you don't have to be sorry to me, Felix, you have to be sorry to yourself" his eyes didn't dare look up into the eyes of the man who treated him since the moment he was diagnosed, he felt to pained and scared. "have you been eating well, at least?" chan asked, not wanting to sound further perturbing and all he was met with in the form of a response was a nod

which made him sigh and reach his arm to pat the head of his brother-like patient "the test results are up and running, till then you need to stay here. it'll take about a day or two" he explained which made Felix finally look up "but- I have work, I can't" Chan gulped staring at Felix for a second before he spoke "is work more imporant than your mere health that's left? what's the point of work when you won't be able to do anything?"

he was brutally honest today and it left a pang in Felix's heart "I'm sorry, lix, I know I'm being very rude but this needs to be said...you're only worsening things, you do realize the situation right? you're at the edge of a cliff and you just keep walking" he sighed out before licking his lips and blinking away the trifling tears that welled up in his brown eyes

 "you're more of a brother to me than just a patient I'm treating, and I'm only saying this because I care. you need to take my words seriously lix, because if you don't--" his voice cracked and it seemed he was holding back a storm which only made Felix's aching heart shudder worse "you might run out of the days you have left quicker than you should" the havoc those words wreaked in Felix was visible through his eyes

warm tears fell down rapidly as he stared at Chan with mouth agape, unable to breathe or speak he remained quite while his eyes said all that was needed to and to say the very least Chan's entire being was crashing down. he has never seen this kid cry ever since they met and now that he saw that rush of trepidation bloom in Felix's eyes and the ache that lingered all across Felix's face made his leaping heart twist in agony

and before any other word could be said the tall beige door of the hospital room flung open, revealing a Hyunjin that seemed to be partially deranged with eyes as though they'd flush a bloody river if not met with the sight of their beloved Lord; Lee Felix


his voice rang like church bells in the quiet room and Felix's aching ears as the brunette boy spun his neck in the direction in which he had been called to "Hyunjin?" his voice came out wavering and reluctant as if he didn't believe his eyes "are you okay?" the taller of the two questioned walking closer with speed, and with no more time wasted he wrapped his arms around Felix pulling him into a warm hug

Chan took a step back, dazzled by the boy that basically violated the hospital's rules "yes" Felix replied, wrapping his arms around Hyunjin's neck as he wiped the tears that tainted his face. the two broke off the hug gently, Hyunjin raised his hands to cup Felix's face and look deep into his eyes raising his brows just enough to indicate he was questioning him, as if asking him to be honest with him-- to shred all dishonesty and be bare with him, which made Felix chuckle "I'm not lying, Jin, I'm okay"

Hyunjin sighed at the reply, resting his forehead against the shorter one while his hands still held his face dearly, Felix put his smaller ones on the latter's larger one and began to speak "how did you get here?" his voice was lower than before, "I called you earlier but you weren't answering, so I got really worried and drove to the cafe when I arrived there your co-worker told me you fainted and have been taken to a nearby hospital, so I drove again--got into the wrong hospital, then eventually came here"

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