𝟭𝟬; 𝗯𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿

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cutlery clanking with each other was a sound hyunjin despised the most this evening, he was seated at the dining table with his parents on both ends of the family-sized dining as he sat in the middle eating his warm food in peace. while on the inside he wasn't at peace at all, he had no appetite for the food either he was just sitting here because this is what was asked of him

now he could have left but he didn't feel like it, not after he saw the pleading look in his mother's eyes. he may come off very cold but seeing his mother upset is something he isn't too fond of so sometimes he does what his mother asks him too, sometimes. 

although it was a family dinner neither of the three dared to speak a word, and hyunjin was glad. he wasn't in the mood of listening to his father either, it was obvious the two couldn't stand each other and everybody knew that, well everyone within the walls of the mansion 

soon enough after getting bored of playing with his food hyunjin stood up as his mother's eyes followed him "where are you going?" she asked but he didn't answer which made his father chuckle humorlessly, he knew it was to taunt him but he couldn't care less about that old hag 

she remained quiet not wanting to turn the already uncomfortable evening further sour, hyunjin put on his jacket and began to leave the hell-hole they call home as his mother watched him 


felix stared out of the window smiling as his eyes were met with the black sky "it's a lovely night" he muttered to himself staring down at the windowsill where sat his beloved friend "isn't nabi?" he asked the cat that had been wandering around his house for a while now, so he finally decided to let him in "is it mean of me to name you nabi even though you're a boy?" felix asked the long-haired tabby who stared at him while he petted his gently on the head

"but names don't have gender do they?" he whispered once again as he scooped up the adorable animal in his arms and walks towards the bed they lied down and the cat nuzzled up in his chest as he lied down in the bed smiling at the cat "I'm glad you're here to keep me company, these days I've been feeling extra lonely" he whispered feeling his chest tighten. the past two days have been a little rough for him, work was taking a toll on him and his health hasn't been the best either 

he had already passed out twice since yesterday, 'is it because I didn't take my medicine?' he had stopped taking his medicines thinking it was of no use anymore, but perhaps they were keeping his illness a little at bay. he sighed realizing that he probably shouldn't have taken a decision like that

he thought of getting up and taking his night medication but at the sight of nabi sleeping peacefully on his chest he didn't even want to move an inch he smiled fondly at the sight of the cute little fluff ball 



hyunjin dragged himself out of a class into another as he prayed inside his heart for this day to be over already, he sat down in the small seat trying to pass his time the best he can. "hyunjin" spoke Riya, enthusiasm dripping from her voice as he turned to look at her "what?" he asked rather coldly "we've been assigned as a team for the new project" she replied, it was obvious from her tone and wide smile how happy she was about this 

"what project?" he asked staring at her with a strange look on his face, he was annoyed. "the language project, we have to take pictures of some places we find worth taking pictures of and describe them in the prettiest way we can" hyunjin scoffed "don't take it so lightly! this is the last project of the semester and it matters a lot. whoever doesn't do it or fails will most likely fail the entire class" Riya explained

as if hyunjin cared about those things, "sure" hyunjin muttered slipping away from her as she kept on scooting closer to her "I know you don't like things like these but why don't we give it a try!" she smiled brightly pissing him off to the extent where he took out his earphones plugged them in his ears abruptly, who was she to know anything anyway?

"I-" Riya got silent watching the latter's actions, she felt a prickling sensation in her heart not able to hide her hurt through her expressions  


 hyunjin walked inside the brown-walled cafe as he glanced around trying to take sight of a specific brunette, he walked closer to a table at the very end of the cafe and he sat down on it, eyes still moving around, he sighed when his eyes didn't meet the one they wanted to so bad as he closed them throwing his head back and sighing out, it had been a tiring day for him and he just needed a distraction 

when did he become the type who sought friends when he felt tired? he opened his eyes staring out the window ahead of him. well, he hadn't been the type to have friends either, and if being honest he didn't like to call felix his friend. just someone he had been feeling keen to meet these past three days 

he tried to tell himself that it was just because he hadn't met a person who wasn't eating his brain away but it wasn't just that, he liked spending time with felix and he wasn't aware of it, yet. "hello sir, how may I help you today?" a young lady in her late teens appeared by hyunjin's side as she questioned him holding a notebook close to her self 

he smiled at hyunjin who licked his lips "um, an americano will do" he managed to utter out as she nodded "will be out in a moment" and with that, she walked away hyunjin took in a deep sigh exhaling it out as he looked down at his lap

a few moments had gone by and by now hyunjin was long lost in his thoughts of this and that while he stared out of the glass window robotically not even batting an eyelash "here you go si- oh hyunjin" a voice brought the raven head out of his tracks as he turned to look at the familiar brunette standing beside him "oh" he spoke as felix sat down the coffee in front of him 

although he had anticipated seeing the young male, he still didn't know how to greet him "how are you?" felix asked softly smiling gently as hyunjin stared at him quietly "um just fine" felix nodded "and how are you?" hyunjin questioned making Felix's smile deeper for some odd reason "I'm just fine too" felix replied

"well, I should go now" felix replied waving his hand cutely in front of the older male who nodded his head, felix turned around to leave but hyunjin's voice stopped him in his tracks "when do you get off of work," the boy asked not looking at felix as he sipped at his coffee "around 7, why'd you ask?" felix questioned turning around once again 

 hyunjin hummed licking his lips "let's go somewhere after you're done" hyunjin suggested as he turned his head to look at felix who looked at him for a split second before speaking "sure, let's do that" felix replied as he turned around once again to leave but this time with a foolish smile wrapped around his lips 


a few moments had passed and the sun was beginning to sink deep into the clouds but hyunjin was still there sitting in his seat eating a cake, felix bit his lips smiling as he watched him from afar. he cleaned the tables while he began to walk to the counter once again to hand out orders "he's been sitting there for quite some time now" the cashier's voice caught Felix's attention "huh?"  "that's your boy over there? keeps looking at you" the boy asked standing before the cash counter 

felix looked at him then to where his eyes were pointing as he shook his head quickly "then?" the other boy queried making felix lick his lips and stare at hyunjin "just a..." what could he address the raven head by? who had now turned his gaze towards them. their eyes met making everything around them move at a slow speed 

felix gulped before speaking "beautiful stranger" 


boring, weird, so sorry for this mess. have not been in my moment lately 

not proofread

𝟓𝟕 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬; 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐱Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang