Chapter 13

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Rajendra was in the midst of a conversation when he heard, "How are you, sir?" He turned to see the speaker, his expression changing instantly.

He looked at the extended hand and reluctantly shook it. "I am good, Mr. Ahuja."

Mr. Ahuja laughed. "Oh, come on, Sir, you know me so well. You can use my name."

Rajendra's tone turned cold. "You're right. I know you very well, but... you know."

"You're not playing this game well, sir."

"I don't play games at all, Mr. Ahuja."

Mr. Ahuja felt a cold gaze on him and glanced over to see who it was. He noticed Rajendra's elder son staring intently at them. He faked a laugh. "By the way, your elder son is watching us closely. Looks like he’ll chew me up."

Rajendra responded without humor, "Don't worry, he's a vegetarian."

Mr. Ahuja was about to say something when the CM approached Rajendra. "I'm trusting you. I need this resolved quickly."

"We will do our best, sir," Rajendra replied. The CM nodded and left.

Turning back to Mr. Ahuja, Rajendra heard him say, "By the way, I heard your elder son is married."

Seeing Rajendra’s reaction, Mr. Ahuja laughed mischievously. "I have my own sources, sir."

Rajendra's face hardened like stone, his eyes turning red with anger. "Keep your sources to yourself, and there is no need to involve her in this dirty game. Otherwise, you'll face consequences you haven't even imagined."

Mr. Ahuja was taken aback by Rajendra's sudden anger. Rajendra's protective tone was unmistakable, as if Naina were his own child.

Vikram, observing his father's change in expression, excused himself and approached. He stared intently at Mr. Ahuja. In a deep, commanding voice, he said, "Mr. Ahuja."

Mr. Ahuja trembled at the sound of Vikram's voice but managed to compose himself. "I haven't done anything," he stammered, just as one of his men approached.

The man showed Mr. Ahuja something on his phone. Mr. Ahuja glanced at it, then looked back at the group. "Duty calls, I have to go," he said hurriedly, making a quick exit. No one wanted to face a hungry lion.

Vikram turned to his father. "Let's leave now."

Rajendra nodded, and they started to leave. Vikram then looked at Vidyunt, who was also visibly angry. "Bhai, you go ahead, I'll catch up."

Taking a deep breath, Vikram pat vidyunt shoulder, walked alongside Rajendra. He knew they had to get home soon, aware that his children might be troubling Naina.

They got into the car. Rajendra was already seated, looking at a picture of Ved and Vidhi on his phone. He swiped to the next photo, which was of Naina and Vikram.


Both kids return from college and notice Naina is not in the living room, so they head to their rooms to change.

After changing his clothes, Vedansh goes to the kitchen to get a drink of water. As he reaches for a bottle, his eyes fall on the kitchen counter where two plates of food are placed. He approaches and sees a note beside the plates. Picking it up, he reads, "Eat first. I am in the back garden. If you need anything else, call me."

This small gesture from Naina touches him deeply. He looks at the plates again, appreciating her care. Taking both plates, he heads to Vidhi's room.


Naina is sitting in the back garden, working on something. After school, she always changes her clothes, prepares lunch for the kids, and then settles down outside with her book and phone.

Feeling a pang of homesickness, she calls her dad. After a few rings, Mahesh picks up, and a big smile spreads across Naina's face upon hearing his voice.

"Naina!" he exclaims cheerfully, missing her just as much.

"Papa...," she replies warmly.

"Naina, my child, how are you?"

"I'm fine, Dad. How are you? You haven't forgotten about me, have you?"

"You are my life, how could I forget you?"

Naina asks with concern, "Are you taking your medicine properly?"

"Yes, my dear. I'm taking it well," he assures her, though he mutters under his breath about how her friends keep him in check, which Naina overhears.

"They did right," she says firmly.

After a while, Naina's voice turns a bit heavy as she says, "I miss you, Papa."

Mahesh, never having left her alone before, feels her emotion deeply. "I am always with you, my daughter," he says, holding himself together.

After talking for a bit longer, they hang up. Naina then starts reading her book to lift her spirits.


It is nighttime. After dinner, the three of them head to their rooms. Naina ensures the gate is securely closed before heading upstairs. She enters her room and changes into her comfortable clothes. Suddenly, she is struck with severe stomach pain.

She quickly changes and lies down on the bed, trying to sleep, but the cramps make it impossible. "There goes my midnight," she murmurs as another wave of pain hits, causing her to curl up, clutching her stomach. Tears well up in her eyes from the intensity of the pain.


It's midnight when all three men arrive home. Vikram parks the car and notices Vidyunt lingering outside. He approaches him, and together they go inside, where Rajendra has already gone in.

Vikram glances towards Rajendra's room and speaks to Vidyunt, who follows him silently. "Go to your room," Vikram instructs, and Vidyunt leaves without a word.

Vikram sits on the sofa for a moment, then stands and knocks on Rajendra's door. He hears a voice from inside say, "Come in."

Opening the door, Vikram enters and sees Rajendra hasn't changed yet. "What happened? You haven't changed yet," he remarks, noticing his father's clothes. Vikram approaches and sits beside him, taking Rajendra's hand in his own, silently communicating his support.

Rajendra looks at his elder son, who gazes back with concern, reminiscent of when Vikram was a child. He kisses Vikram's forehead, feeling a surge of gratitude for his son's care. Vikram helps him lie down on the bed and gently tucks the blankets around him.


Meanwhile, Naina continues to struggle with her pain, hoping for some relief as the night wears on.


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