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Yn's POV:
"Don't try to become my wife " 
That's what my husband or my bestfreind is telling me on the first night of our wedding . I know we both were forced or rather emotionally blackmailed to this marriage . 
Me and Chan are now sitting infront of his parents they called us to tell us something realy important  "Yn , Chan Iam going to ask you both something really big . I hope you both agree" Chans mom told she had her arm around her 7 month old belly . We both nodded "You guys know Iam pregnant and I have a risky pregnancy because of my age so I want to see my sons wedding before something bad happens " I was a bit shocked while Chan was a bit irritated . "I want Yn to be your wife she knows you , knows us so she will be a great choice " 
That's it we both denied first but because of her condition we both agreed .
Chan or Bang Chan we both are doctors . best friends from childhood always together for everything he was a verry good friend . But unfortunately as time passed the heart which held friendship for him turned to love without even my knowledge . I tried to always avoid it but slowly slowly it again fell for him maybe deeper and deeper day by day . What can we do our heart never listens to our mind .We started working in the same hospital , 2 years went by we gained popularity in our own fields . I was a Gynecologist while Chan was a Cardiologist . He started a relationship too few months after we started working . Because of the starting of career itself we started to spent less time but whenever we got time he always talked about his girlfriend Niya who works in the cafe near our hospital . I don't know I have met her a few times but she always gave me an odd vibe . Chan was verry rich he always bought her expensive gifts at some point I felt she was using him but I saw the love Chan held for her and he also said he always sees her eyes sparkle when she is with him . They successfully completed their 1 yr of relation . It was going to be their 2nd anniversary when Chan's parents revealed that they are going to be parents again and they have decided to keep the baby . Chan was not really pleased with the news about how the society will view him although it was just a facade he was really worried about his mothers health . But Chan started to hate the unborn child because his lovely girlfriend broke up with him because his mother is pregnant she didn't want any bad name on her like girl that was a lame excuse for the breakup . The thing is I saw her kissing one of the most richest businessmen the day before their breakup so its clear that Niya broke up with Chan for more money . That night Chan cried for his lost love on my lap ON MY LAP . I never confessed to him because I didn't want ruin our friendship , what we had since our childhood for my feelings . I wanted to move on I was taking the steps when this marriage came . It looks like destiny don't want that 

" Don't try to become my wife , we are just a couple infront of our family and society but other than that we are not even friends now because you didn't even stop them from this marriage , you could have said something . But you decided to marry me .Just like Niya  said you do have feelings for me right .Today onwards  you are just a coworker for me nothing more . I hate you , you know how much I love Niya  still . If my mom didn't get pregnant then she wouldn't have left me I would have married her instead of you" My heart broke how can he just end our friendship because of this its not like I was desperate to marry him Its true I love him . But that doesn't give him the right to hurt me like this . With a heavy heart I replied " I didn't have any other way your mother said the same thing to me too. And about the feelings I do have feelings for you and Iam trying to get over it and I never came between you both . Then last I feel pity on you Bang Chan  you didn't understand your Gf of 2 years left you because she thinks society will judge her along with you , what us wrong in being pregnant at this age And even if there is a problem why would she leave you , If she truly loved you them she would have been with you and your mother wouldn't have asked me to marry you . She just used you for money . I will agree with the first thing you  said we are only couple in front of our families but 2nd thing I wont I value my relations whatever it maybe I wont leave it like you left it . I don't care how you see me but for me you are my bestfriend and Husband I don't care If you accept it or not  "
With that O left him in the room to get ready . I looked through the dresses brought for me I took a less revealing gown . I cried in the shower because how can he hate me for something which I didn't do No one is at fault for his breakup with his girlfriend she wanted to dump him for a more richer guy and this new baby was just an easy reason for her . Now she has did a great job he hates his new sibling and me wow . You hate  me right fine as you want I wont be the old Yn for you but I will still be there for you when you need a shoulder to cry .I change my outfit and go back to the room Chan pass by me to go to change . I look around the room I have came here before but now the room is a bit changed it has been redecorated for my liking to Mom and Dad (Chan's parents ) knows my likes and dislikes verry well and Chan is not a person who has problem with Changes in his room I know that and his old room was decorated by me too

I laid on my side of the bed which had the big window and balcony . Chan came out said "Yn , go sleep in the couch " "Why would I sleep in the couch if you want you can sleep there Bang"

Chan's POV:
'Bang ' she always calls me Chan , Channie or Christopher , Chris there are a lot of nicknames to but why Bang I don't know it hurted a bit no a lot her eyes were cold too well better this way cause she shouldn't expect something from me anyways "Yn don't play go and sleep in the  couch I have work tomorrow " "For your kind information I ahve work too and Iam not going to sleep on that couch If you want you can " Ughhhhh I decided to sleep beside her its not like I feel uncomfortable or something but the situation Iam right in is making me do it . We both are staying with our parents its not like we both cant afford anything afteral we both have worked hard to reach this level we both are verry known in our own fields and we get fortunes for that too . I was already from a rich family but Yn made her middle class family rich with her success I respect her a lot but like I said the situation is making me feel a bit of anger and hatred towards her I know its not her fault but still Iam blaming her . {A/n : The story is taking place in Australia}

Yn's POV:(Next day after the wedding )
I woke up and saw Chan cuddling me his head was on my chest , arms wrapped around my waist and legs tangled with mine . Thankfully he is a dead sleeper I kiss his forehead and go to do my morning routine
Today its time for Mom's checkup she is 8 months old now our wedding prep took 1 month anyway now Iam looking at her reports Dad is sitting infornt of  me with a worried expression while Chan is looking uninterested . "Dad the mother and baby both are safe but as we all know " I look at Chan his uninterest turned to worry I know he is not interested about the baby but hi smother . But still he is becoming heartless afteral its his own sibling I continue. "We know mom is a bit aged but don't worry she eats healthy but she needs to control her sugar intake since its in border that's it nothing much  to worry and about delivery I don't know it may be natural or C-section . But I think C-section will be good since we don't know how much she can push the baby out" {A/n : I don't know anything about this , so if there is any mistake just forgive me}"About her due date we will decide it in the next chekup and don't worry about anything I will take care of it " Dad exited my cabin after giving me a smile , but Chan is still there he turn towards me and asks "Yn , are you sure Mom will be alright nothing will  happen to Mom right" his eyes were glistening I give him a reassuring smile and say "Don't worry Chan she will be alright and she will give birth to a healthy baby too" He exit my cabin . 

I was attending my cousins wedding , we are half Indian and half Australian . My dad is from Australia while my Mom is from India . Suddenly I got a call from hospital " Dr.Yn please come fast Mrs Bang is having some complication " . I drove my car fast to the hospital I went were Mom was present as soon as Chan saw me he ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug he was sobbing he was in the verge of a complete breakdown . He wasn't this vulnerable when Niya broke up with him . "Y-Yn Mommm please save her " I rubbed his back and pecked his forehead and said "Don't worry nothing will happen to Mom " I left him and patted Dad's shoulders went inside 

Yn's POV:
I came out to see Chan's and Dad's worried eyes both of them was wanting to hear a good news .
"Iam sory.........."

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