The Last Day!

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"Was that really a mere remainder or an actual foretelling?!",she wondered.
The Book.
The very lines kept repeating in her mind like a voice from an incorporeal being!
Mornings were ALWAYS an irritation!She never wanted to get up to face the day
but when she did,left with no other choice,there was exasperation written all over
in everything she did!Vessels getting tossed,doors getting slammed,words getting exchanged,hearts getting broken,lives getting wasted.There were responsibilities needed to be fulfilled ALL THE TIME and there was ALWAYS someone or something to tend to!"Why am I even here?!What am I doing here?!",constant questions kept tormenting her.The ones which continued ONLY to be questions with no proper,acceptable,satisfying answers! "I didn't work my fingers to the bone to end
up with this endless cycle of cooking and cleaning!",she whined every waking
hour.Clueless to what she was going through,her children and even her husband thought that she had a bad temper and would pounce on anyone at anytime!They especially dreaded her PMS days.All because she could never accept where she landed at the end of all those,"Your
10th marks matter,12th total decides your future,only a good grade in college would land you in a job with decent pay so you can be free!"She REALLY believed them!Poor thing,took EVERY rule seriously compromising every potential adventurous memory she could have had!Studies-Job-Marriage-Children,a route set by the so-called society,wasn't for her!By the time she realised it,she was already a mother of two!Not that people were able to achieve their dreams after marriage and even after children,she was just swamped with responsibilities that she couldn't even get the time to figure out what she actually wanted to do to LIVE the life SHE envisioned,for all she knew was JUST FOLLOWING THE RULES!But on the other side,people envied her!There were women who openly showed that in their words,actions and unsolicited advices.Some were even ready to
exchange places with her,if given a chance! It was like she was living a fairy tale!A dream of many!They openly showed dissatisfaction and never really could see the point in what she had to say.A well-mannered husband with a big pay,a beautiful girl,a lively boy as children is all they could see,is all they thought one needed to
be happy,is all required to live a dream come true life according to their philosophy!Neither was she ungrateful for everything she was blessed with nor was she a
person who shows disappointment at even the slightest discomfort! It's just that she wanted to live a different life!It was when she was about to go to the mental asylum,she regarded picking up her once lost interest with book reading and like destiny planned,she stumbled upon THAT book!Self-help wasn't a new concept to her but there was something quite remarkable about this one!Maybe,the book held answers to most of her
questions helping her LIVE through her otherwise mundane life.She decided to put every trick mentioned in the book to use for two reasons:
1.Though it was hard to accept that she wasn't living a life like she used to
imagine,she had to at least learn to stop resisting the fact which was adding fuel
to the fire,
2.She didn't wanna be tagged as an ill-tempered,unloving person simply because she isn't one and she wanted to deal with patience when it came to her kids at the
very least.She wanted to be able to control her thoughts and emotions!
As she read,she slowly started incorporating the things in the book to her life!Though there weren't any astonishing wonders happening,she kept moving
forward until she came across a much bizarre technique:"The Deathbed Mentality!"It somehow felt very strong and the next morning when she woke up with the intent of applying that technique she whispered to herself,"What if today is my last
day?! If I am to face with death today,will I be happy with how I lived this very day?how will I treat people around me?will it make any difference if I stopped
cribbing?After all,life is ALWAYS filled with uncertainty!",and then a sense of fresh liberation,a serenity,seeped through her brain cells releasing ALL the dopamine
and serotonin needed for the day!That day,the vessels stayed put,the doors were intact,only words of love were exchanged and even the children's endless clingyness didn't seem to bother her,for she thought that everything might not last forever and in fact,she wanted to savor every moment, if it actually were her last day!She wanted to leave a mark on
everyone's hearts that day,if she left!This very thought cleared her otherwise cluttered mind to concentrate ONLY on the things which were actually worth giving attention to,thus allowing to clearly see where her heart found solace and was at real peace!
Days floated like a paper caught in the wind and she took this Deathbed Mentality very serious like every other rule she has followed except that this rule actually helped a great deal in following her passion!And when the end was actually nearing,she was laying on the bed,she felt content with her life and had no
regrets,for she had lived each day to the fullest.Her children and everyone whose life she touched were there with her,for her!A sense of satisfaction filled her when people were weeping at the fact that she might leave soon!She surely had left a mark in their lives and hearts!She closed her eyes wondering,"Was that really a mere remainder or an actual
foretelling?!"Those lines in the book,an amiable admonition,kept repeating in her mind as it truly became her LAST DAY!

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