Chapter 24 // The Missing Cashier

Start from the beginning

Another pause of silence was ahead of us. I assume that Galf was busy. He could be taking a shower, talking to his nextdoor shopkeeper or simply just outside taking Lemon for a walk in his arms. Who knows. But what matters now was now that we are stuck in the Rebel's base.

"Is Galf not responding?" Rebel asked, leaning closer towards me to inspect the radar.

Defect facepalmed by Galf's unresponsive communication or rather trying to figure out what happened. Galf wasn't the type of person who would abandon his comrades out with a group of dangerous people.

"If you needed to get back to Galf's shop, we can help you," one of the rebels from the crowd suggested, "we usually travel to different dimensions too and we usually stop by at Galf's shop to buy some military uniform and items,"

"Can you show us the way?" Defect asked.

Rebel nodded as a response as he stood up from his crouching position.

"Come with me," he said, offering me a hand.

I grabbed onto his hand as tightly as I could as my legs wobbled. It has been a long time ever since I stood up. As my back is straight, so are my legs. The shot leg was still wounded, but it felt like it wasn't shot in the first place. Rebel was an amazing medkit person.

As we walked up the crashed plane with Defect and Bobo following behind us, Rebel pulled out a triangular device, similar to an artifact that I had found during an expedition a month ago.

"Is that the bronze teleporter?" I asked, looking at the artifact's amazing bronze texture.

"It is, I bought it from Galf's shop," he answered, fiddling with the teleporter for a bit.

Maybe Galf's shop wasn't as empty as a bar in the middle of a desert after all.

The rest of the rebels climbed onto the plane wing, awaiting for their leader to give out his next commands.

"Sir! Do you want us to follow you?" A rebel exclaimed among the crowd.

"You all stay here! I will be coming back as soon as I send these fuckers back to their dimension,"


"Yes, sir!" the rebels replied in unison before Bobo could finish his sentence.

One by one, they crouched down to the plane wing before jumping off, landing on both of their feets onto the clay surface. I am surprised none of them had broken a leg yet. Rebel watched as the last of his comrade hoped off, he looked at Bobo, Defect and I with his red eyes before motioning his hands towards the neon orange glow in the middle of the triangular teleporter.

"Hope in, it will take you back to Galf's shop," he explained.

Without hesitation, Bobo took one step into the glowing platform before his body disappeared into the small breeze. Followed by Defect who jumped onto the platform like a toddler splashing puddles. Now it was me. I closed my eyes before lifting my recently shot leg over the teleporter and leaned forward.

A wooshing sound flew past me before I opened my eyes. A confused and worried expression was painted on my face.

I couldn't tell if it was Galf's shop anymore. All the windows were smashed open, leaving bits of glass and debris everywhere. The hinges of the doors were broken, with one of the door hanging onto the last remaining hinge.

"Galf? Are you alright?" Defect yelled.

There was no response.

"We should go in," Bobo said in a serious tone.

I looked at Bobo, usually he is all happy no matter what situation we are in. This time, he looked like someone took all of his sugars out of his life. His energy was drained just by looking at this disaster.

I walked through the broken hinges of the door. His shop was a room of mess. All of the artifacts had seemed to disappear as if I hadn't touched them at all. The walls were painted on the floor and the walls of the shop. Did Galf have a robbery attack? A slip of material got stuck to my shoes like a piece of bubblegum. I yanked it before opening it up, the colour of the paper had a famaliar simple. The Elysium Coporation. What were they doing here?

"Galf!" I yelled once again, searching for hope that he was still with us.

No call back. Oh no.

In desperation, I ran towards the front counter where Galf keeps all of the money he had paid me and stored in. 

On the desk, it was nothing. Nothing but a plain red cap that had been smudged in small red liquid. It was Galf's cap. What happened to him? He was fine an hour ago! Did he get attacked by the Elysium staff? What if he is dead?! All of those memories we had together, working together to pay each other's debts. I had failed to protect him from those monsters.

I drew the red cap closer to my chest. Cold tears slid down my cheeks as the lump in my throat grew larger and larger. My body couldn't stop shaking and sobbing sounds fell out of my mouth. I stared at the cold dark floor and watched my tears drip onto the wooden flooring. This sadness and this loss wasn't for the money anymore.



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