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Following Alver's Coronation and Accolade Ceremony, the Henituse Family returned to the County for a three-month vacation. He is been fine since his fever a week ago. So he is definitely better now. He does not remember much from that time, but Ron and Vicross are a little rough on him, except for the lemon tea.

Rosalyn returns to Breck, while Valentino returns to Caro. Taylor and his siblings returned to the Stan estate in an attempt to rebuild the castle temporarily. Antonio also parted ways with them to return to the southwest, but promised to return to the academy before the next school year began.

Cale was taken aback by the County's transformation. Crops are making their way. The farmer kept and maintained the difficult to maintain irrigation system. Trade was also gaining traction. He can see banknotes rather than check coins. Everything changed in the first year he was at the academy.

"You are enforcing the city walls," Cale observed as he observed the workers constructing the walls.

"I am..." Deruth began, "I am afraid... something is brewing from the north."

It was one of the reasons Deruth kept a safe distance from the stalker Sekka.

It was better to be safe than sorry.


"Baby Cale! I missed you!" Alver exclaimed as soon as the communication device was connected.

"Well, I don't," Cale replied coldly while feeding the kittens milk..

Alver's mental fortitude in dealing with these comments is impressive! "Anyway, Baby Cale, I just checked in on you... I got word that Imperial Prince Adin was looking for a beast-man."

Cale sat quietly listening, despite the fact that he knew who the imperial prince was looking for.

"Also..." Alver, "With a light like you, our Roan Kingdom is not afraid of the dark; you are not just a star, but the brightest star in our kingdom."

"Just to cut to the chase, your Highness, you should have greeted me like that first before dropping the bomb, it will be scarier and creepier to listen to that way," Cale snorted.

"My apologies," Alver coughs, "Apparently, Prince Adin wanted to search the Henituse Villa because he found you in the alleyway where we left you during the last bombing, and Lord Deruth agreed."

"He is not going to find anything there," Cale predicted. "Hyung-nim, that prince is bad news.""

"I expected you to say that... I particularly dislike him." Alver sat back and said, "Be careful as always, Baby Cale... it appears that something is moving from the Empire and the Northern kingdoms... I can not be sure yet, but some storm is attempting to form from both."

Cale is well aware of this.

He is putting himself to work in preparation for a future war. He intended to take a vacation during those times, but after seeing his father's hard work and how he fortified the walls, he can not just run away and do nothing.

"Could you please send a message to Rosalyn, Hyung-nim?"

"Can not you do it?" Alver inquired, but quickly corrected himself, "nevermind... I will do it... I know it is confidential."

"She will face an assassination attempt now that she is back there..."

"Yes... it appears that the Archduke of Breck Kingdom is moving now that civil wars are taking place," Alver added. His communication network had improved three months after his ascension.

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