
7 1 0

We all know Tetris. You know how it works.

When you fit in,

You disappear.

Rykoe Kaedesuke was well known in his area, but his specialty was disappearing in the crowds. He avoided every pitied look, every small instance towards him, and any conversations pointed his direction by simply blending in.

This was also true for him in soccer. Desert fox was a nickname given to him during last year's soccer nationals. His presence on the field was everywhere and nowhere. You would find him back in defense keeping hold of the ball and moving around other players while yelling orders and suddenly he was behind your defense shooting a goal. It was a fitting name, foxes are cunning and sly animals with high intellect to carry out their plans while desert foxes blended into their environment, he also happened to have started soccer on the beach which gave him a lot of speed and balance when going to play in a field.

"Rykoe go switch in for number 12."


"If you hog the ball again, I'll bench you for the next game."

"Whatever coach."

As he waited for the referee to allow him on Rykoe made eye contact with his only friend on the team and they traded weird hand signs with each other.

"Are you gonna go or are you gonna keep signing to your boyfriend."

"Not my boyfriend, and I'm going asshole."

"Could have fooled me."

His position on the field was one of the ones he despised, middle forward, or to break it down, he was a striker.


"You got the ideas, right?"

"of course! 7 2 a b 4 and r b 3 2 a, right?"

"Exactly. I hope you've practiced it."

"You bet!"

The sound of the whistle echoed in their ears as the other team passed the ball to each other, Rykoe having gotten impatient, jogged up to number 8 and smoothly stole the ball from the player before passing it over to his teammate who was a master of footwork and easily got past their forwards as he disappeared in the commotion once again.

" Ryo! B or A 8?!"

" A 7!"

" B CE?!"

" Whatever you feel like Bee!"


With his teammate twisting and pushing through the midfielders Rykoe continued to jog forward and calculate where the best place to execute the plan was. To the very right corner of the goal box would result in the best-case scenario of him being able to push the ball through number 3 and pass back to his teammate but the most likely outcome was the defenders shifting over to cover his angled shot. Crossing over to the left side would cause commotion and he would be swarmed which would leave the Bee open, so Rykoe decided on his favorite option. Option 3. Picking up the pace causing his grey cleats to pick up the wet dirt, He accelerated his speed and took a swift turn to the right leaving only a few inches to the line.

Watching as his teammate picked up his pace as well the two caught eye contact and with a nod, continuing with their plan. Rykoe did a sudden turn left and got as close to the edge of the goal being mindful of the last defender while Bee kept going straight but started doing faster adjustments around the opposing players while watching how far he was behind Rykoe. Exactly 4 feet behind and about 6 to the left of him. Maybe a bit too far left for the pass but he'd make do. A swift pass to the back of Rykoe was soon followed by Rykoe's right foot sweeping behind him and knocking the ball into the goal at a steep angle.

As if they hadn't just scored and pissed the opposing team off the two jogged back to their positions.

"Watch out Bee, it was about 1 0 a shy of the estimated spot. Good work though."

"Ahhhhhh you're kidding meeeeeee! So close!"

"I'll treat you to some Ramen after this."

"Really?! Ooh, can we get pineapple too?!"

"Already got some."

"Hell yeah!"

The whistle blew once again for the next kick-off and the game carried on. A random shout from Rykoe, a few more goals from the duo, and more talks about food, and the game had ended. 5-2 in their favor.

The walk off the field was silent other than the heavy breathing and the squish of the dirt. But as people so often repeat, actions speak louder than words, and the hostile looks Rykoe and Bee were receiving weighed down on them like sandbags.

"You can stop glaring now, we really don't care. You're wasting your energy."

"Well, Rykoe, maybe your team would be happier if you and loverboy didn't keep hogging the ball, and maybe oh I don't know, pass to your teammates? Or talk in full sentences rather than yell out your private code?"

"Maybe Bee didn't pass to them, but I did, they got the ball taken from them, not my problem coach. And to be clear, the 'private code' was written out, instructions and all, and handed out to everyone. I can't help it if you can't read yknow. How bothersome."

"Hey, I passed to a short blond guy! He missed the pass, so Rykoe got it!"

Based on the energy of the team it was clear to any of the onlookers that their already angered attitudes were only getting increasingly more heated.

"Just go home, you two have early practice on Friday. Be there, I don't care how upset your family ends up."

"Can't I'm working."

"Call off"

"Don't wanna"

"You better be there."

"No thanks, coach. Now if you're done talking, we're off."

"You too Bachira! You better be at that practice!"

"I'll go if Rykoe's there!"

"He means he won't be going."

" You two have extra laps next practice!"

"Fine fine, just shut up already."


"So, we aren't practicing the 7 2 on Friday?"

"Oh, I don't really have work, my game has an event going on that's ends Thursday, so I plan on grinding all night and sleeping in on Friday. We can practice the 7 2 at your house still."

"Pineapple?" Rykoe offered holding out the canned pineapple.

"Pineapple! Mom says we're having Miso Ramen tomorrow if you wanted to come over."

"Really?! Shit I'll sneak over later tonight. I need to prepare my mothers meals for next week."

"I can help!"

"Absolutely not!"

The begging look of Bachira was pushed in front of Rykoe as some sort of guilt trip... that didn't seem to work too well.

"Oh, come on! I've never been to your house Rykoe!"

"And it will stay that way Megu, I don't plan on letting you see it anytime soon."

The pathway finally started to split into 3 and the two said their goodbye's before taking off to their road. Rykoe's path traced around the river until the woods where he used his own path. The dirt having been packed into the ground by continuous usage, for slightly further than a mile.

His backyard came into view soon, the dead plants and the singular healthy tree surrounded by a garden. The clash of the metal gate shutting closed behind Rykoe echoed as he entered through the back door of his mother's house.

"Took you long enough."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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