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This art book will contain:
•Blood and gore
•Depictions of abuse and trauma
•Exploration of mental heath

This certainly isn't all I draw and I probably won't draw/post the above that often, but I would prefer you be aware.

Chapter title will state warning for blood, gore, and abuse- so please read the titles before clicking

The vast majority of the above themes I explore will not be my own experience, but rather me attempting to write characters with these experiences.
I am not a mental health professional, my knowledge comes from online research and asking people I know about their experiences.
If you are someone who has delt with any of the above and sees an error in the way I portray it, please let me know and I will do my best to correct my understanding

I mostly do fanart, but I also post original artwork

I am primarily a digital artist, though there will be times where I sketch in pencil or color with markers.
I'm trying to get myself motivated to try other mediums such as watercolor and crayon

I also practice photography!

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