Ch. 1.3 212℉/100℃

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"How do you guys not get vertigo?" The girl asked as she looked up at where the boys would be coming out of in 10 minutes. "You know it's a feat in itself that we have yet to bust our asses." Seth explained as he shrugged. Him and Ali have been having a conversation about her debut and how nervous she was so the boy pointed out how he almost fell with his. "I would bust mine. I hope Hunter doesn't expect me to do that." She explained as she shivered at the thought of walking down the stairs. Something that would come as a surprise to many was the girl hated heights. She refused to go on ladders, roller coasters, and refused to stay on any floor above 2 in hotels. "He might." Seth said without realizing the girl's true terror. Once the words left his mouth he became aware of it due to her immediate shocked mouth and widened eyes. She tensed tremendously and the boy widened his eyes to match hers, "Or, or maybe not. I'm sure he will work something out." He said as he tried to back track, "Hunter is good at working things out." He added with a smile he hoped would comfort Ali. Oddly enough it worked.

Ali wasn't sure why it worked but it did. It confused her, how could a simple man explaining a solution so calming? She was only used to calming down at Roman's words, yet here she was feeling cool as a cucumber. "Thanks." She said with a small smile, "Seth, there you are, come on." Dean said as he came jogging over to the two. He had a sense of urgency and quickness as he pulled the arm of the third member that was suppose to be in position 2 minutes ago. "Oh, good luck." Dean said as he tapped the girl's shoulder and pulled his teammate away.

She thanked him and smiled to herself. She wasn't completely sure why, but being around the bleach and black haired boy made her feel safe, a different safe than with Roman, but safe nonetheless. She hadn't had any time to really think about it either as the lights and sound guy called her over and told her to get ready. She immediately felt nervousness course through her body. This was it, it was her one shot to make a name for herself, to show people who Ali is. This was also her chance to get a hold of Zack and Lana for the first time since they broke up two months ago. She took breaths in and out as she shook out her arms and bounced side to side, "3,2."

The introduction for Highway to Hell started and the girl waited for the pyrotechnics to go out before running out. She expected the crowd to not know her, to be confused but she had forgotten that she was in a public relationship that ended in cheating. So as the nervous girl stepped out everybody cheered for her. "Zack's a cheater!" They started to chant as the girl waved at everybody.

Dean was right, once she hit the ramp she was in the zone. She didn't feel nervous, she didn't feel anything but anger as she marched down to the ring. Her blood was actually boiling, she was actually pissed. She hadn't seen the guy in two months so the fact that he was now in the ring made her remember everything. Mix that with Roman pissing her off and Lana gripping Zack's bicep tighter and you got a very pissed of Ali. The crowd's chants got louder as she walked up the stairs, she made intense eye contact with her ex-boyfriend as she slowly got into the ring. He knew she was coming out yet he still looked genuinely surprised. Her music dyed down which made the chants louder. She smiled as she snatched the microphone from his hand.

Ali wasn't sure she's ever felt so much hate for someone she's loved before. She could feel her blood pump to her beating heart as her emotions boiled over. How dare he stand there after he ruined her. How dare Lana hold him like she did before. How dare he not have the courtesy to even try and explain himself. How fucking dare the stupid haired gorgeous boy not even care for her. How. "Hi." She said as she waved at Zack who placed his hands over Lana's. Ali's eyes flicked to the hands and nodded slowly while she pressed her lips into a thin line. "Right. Don't worry Lana give him a few I'm sure he'll cheat on you with a blonde bimbo bitch too." She said as she tapped her shoulder encouragingly. She smiled a smile that Zack had never seen. It scared him. "You know Zack," She said as she started to walk backwards into the ropes. She leaned on them and bounced a few times to get a feel of how bouncy they really were. "I'm glad you cheated on me." The genuine look of surprise made the girl laugh. "It allowed me to finally be free from your little guy." She said as she looked down at his pants. The crowd laughed as his eyes widened. Lana narrowed her eyes and Ali wasn't sure if she was just a really good actor or really pissed. Either way she did not care.

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