Epilogue+Thank you <3

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I want to start off by saying this is no way how I was planning on ending this story. But, I have lost motivation, I really shouldn't have so many stories going on at once and I'm sorry. But this is how it's ending. Hopefully, later I can come back and fix this like how it's supposed to be, but for now, thank you all for reading.

~10 years later,

Eleanor's Point of View:

"You really want to meet my parents?" I asked smiling at my significant others.

I'm 22 now, and after. A Traumatic childhood and being saved by my parents. Life only went uphill. at 15 I came out to the entire Hadestown crew. and though, everyone has moved on since the original cast. Hadestown is still a very successful musical. And my parents started it. And I'm still close with everyone in the cast, of course. 

Every day, I get to walk to the Walter Kerr. Seeing the Hadestown sign standing proudly,

knowing that my parents made history on that stage. And my birth mother did too. Starring in 'Irena's Vow' way back before I was born. And every day, I make history on that stage too.

I, of course, followed in my parent's footsteps. I got a musical theater degree and an Under-grad degree in dance. Once my ankle was strong enough to be in pointe. And now, I go on as Eurydice. Every day. It's how I met my boyfriend, of course. he wasn't my boyfriend from the beginning. But after a year we started going out. Then, we met our girlfriend. And our trio was complete. 

That was only three months ago, but our girlfriend, Sadie was on tour out of state.

"Of course, we wanna meet your parents. Are you crazy?" Daniel smiled as we all three walked to my parent's apartment.

We got up to their door

I knocked as Eva opened the door

"Come on in guys," She said welcoming us into the apartment I practically grew up in.

I hugged her

"Hi Eva," I said smiling, as I kissed her cheeks. I call her mom too. But mostly Eva, 

"Hi El, how are you keeping up with Eurydice?" She said shimmying

"It's hard work" I sighed smiling

"That it is. We would go see every show if you let us" She exclaimed

Reeve was in the kitchen

"Hey," I said hugging him

"How are you?" He asked kissing my head

"Great," I said before seeing my significant others awkwardly stand behind me

"Mom, Dad. These are my significant others, that's my boyfriend Daniel. and our girlfriend Sadie" I said introducing

"Both theater kids?" Reeve asked, shaking both of their hands

"Of course, and you know Daniel. We're like you and Eva" I said laughing

"And a plus one," Eva said hugging Sadie

"Of course," I said grabbing her hand

"Good choice. You do not disappoint us, theater kids are the best" Reeve said laughing

I nodded. We all sat down at our dinner table, talking and eating the food that Reeve 'Made' and Eva 'Helped'

"So how did you guys meet?" Sadie asked, talking to me, Eva and Reeve

"Well-" I said starting the long story of how I met my forever parents.


Thank you so much for reading this, and I'm so sorry this isn't the ending that this book deserves </3

(537 words)

Lost child(Adopted by obc of Hadestown)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt