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Tws: Mention of abuse

Evas pov:

I made sure Eleanor was okay and situated while I walked out finding the same nurse I was talking to earlier.

"Oh! Here I got the papers, and we called in Eleanor's social worker. Apparently, she had to get a social worker for something after her mother's death. She's going with you to sign papers and do an apartment check before it can be confirmed." The nurse told me happily.

Another women followed shortly behind, she was Tall, with a dark complexion with impressively curly hair. She had perfect makeup and a gorgeous hour-shaped figure. She wore a pencil skirt with brown tights and a button-up shirt. She carried a big black bag and a coat. She smiled, rushing over to me.

"Hello, i'm Lindsay, Eleanor's social worker. I hear you want to foster her?"she said still smiling.

"Hello! I'm Eva and yes i would love to foster Eleanor." i said shaking her hand.

"Okay, well lets first get Mr. Currans approval." Lindsay said smiling

"Okay!" i responed

"Do you have a vehicle?" Lindsay asked politely

"We have a car but its in the parking garage near our apartment" i said hurridly

"Okay! Follow me to my car and we can go to mr. Currans house" she said grabbing a pair of keys from her purse.

we got in the car and Lindsay asked me

"So why do you want to foster Eleanor?" 

"Well, i met her and she opened up to me quick, she told me that her father abused her. I dont know if its true but i trust her, she had cuts, scars, and bruises. And i dont belive its all due to her, i just feel a connection, i need to protect her." i said looking at Lindsay

"I felt the same way you are now when i fostered my first child. Its crazy how fast you can click with a kid." she said smiling

I noded, agreeing. 

After 15 minutes of small talk we arrived at an apartment building right outside of the city.

Me and Lindsay walked up a stairway and she knocked on a door. I smiled and when he opened the door we were meet with the strong scent of alcohol. 

"Hello sir, uh I'm you're daughters social worker and uh you have agreed to put her up for adoption?" Lindsay asked, clearly not liking the Alcohol scent but still staying professional.

"Yes." is all he said.

After papers were signed and we were out of the building

"Thank god you're the one fostering her. I dont want Eleanor in that place" Lindsay said with disgust.

I nodded agreeing with her.

I gave her my adress and she started driving to the location, Lindsay told me how she currently has 3 kids adopted and is fostering four alongside her two wives.(WE PRAISE POLY/LESBIAN LINDSAY) As we were pulling up to the apartment building i led her onto the elevator, leading up to the top floor 

(Im making floorplan/what it looks like here:

(Im making floorplan/what it looks like here:

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