Chapter 1 (old)

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Started: 25th July at 23:52

Grian's POV

I was in my Biology class, tuning out what the teacher was saying, he was incredibly boring, I then noticed my left arm had a slight tingle feel in it. I rolled up my sleeve to see some writing in black ink. Hello what u up too? I sighed, grabbing my pen. Nothing. I wrote near to the last message in my blue fountain pen. I hate the feeling of the ink touching my skin but I'm slowly getting used to it. Ive never asked ur name. I look at the little note. I'm not telling a stranger my name. I didn't trust them. I began writing notes that the teacher had put on the board, ignoring everything else my soulmate was writing.
But im ur soulmate :(. I looked down again after finishing my notes. I don't care. I put down and pulled down my arm. I was going to wash all of this off.

The bell rung and I went to the boy's bathroom to get rid of the writing. I was really irritated by my soulmate. Can I have ur nmber? Was the last message I cleared from my skin.

I finished washing my arm and went to see my friends. "Hey Grian, you're never going to guess what happened!" Joel ran up to me. "What happened, Jimmy didn't burn his hair again in food tech again did he?" I smirked at my comment. "Hey!" My brother Jimmy turned and yelled at me. "Aw,Good memories but no. I met my soulmate." He said. "Really, who?" I questioned the brunette. "Her name is Lizzie and she goes to a private girls school." He said. "The one near here?" I ask, my sister Pearl goes there, I'm not entirely sure why, probably because she's the favourite child. "Yeah, maybe Pearl knows her?" Joel suggests. "Probably." I told him.

"Have you found your soulmate, Grian?" He asks me. "Whoever it is, drives me nuts." They always writing when I have class and for personal information." I complain to Joel. "Man, do you think they go here?" He asks me. "The chances of that are small, and what I've seen, they use a lot of American vocabulary like 'mom' and 'color'." I said. "Yeah but theirs tons of people that aren't British that go here and tons of people's soulmates go to the same schools, Etho and Bdubs are in the same friend group and are soulmates." Joel points out. "Hm... I don't know.." I said as my arm began itch with my soulmate's message. I rolled my sleeve up to see the message. Y did u get rid of the messages :(. I groan. "Do you have a pen?" I ask Joel. He nods and passes me a selection of pens. I took a blue one and replied. Because I don't want ink all over my body. I past Joel his pen back.

The last bell of the day ended and a walked out of my English lesson back home. I fully ignored the messages and the kid who was sat next to me. I think his name was Tango or something. He was a little annoying but we barely talk to each other. He was pretty chill.

I was walking with my friend/neighbour Mumbo talking about video games we play. "See ya Gri!" He said, waving. "Bye, Mumbo." I waved back and smiled.

"Hey, Dork!" I heard Pearl yell on the stairs as I entered the door. "Hey." I looked at her. "Where's Jimmy?" She asks me. "He's at Scott's." I said. "Martyn's cooking." She smirked. "Great, the house is going to burn down." I joked. "Piss off, you two!" We giggled at each other as we heard our older brother yell at us. "Oh you know, Lizzie?" I ask Pearl, putting my bag down and kicking my doc martins off. "Oh yeah, she's in my French classes." She said, "with the pink hair." She added. "Well Joel and her are soulmates." I said. "Cool- wait your friends are real!?" She playfully questioned. "I can not deal with you, right now." I said while leaving her on the stairs. "Wow." I heard her say as
I sat on the sofa to look at what my soulmate has written on my body. Hello
Hello? Soulmate? My name is s̶c̶a̶r̶. I couldn't see the name well as they had crossed it out but I could see it became with 'S'. I kept reading the messages, why were there so many. What school do u go 2? How old r u? Do you like cats? I have a cat. I got up from the sofa to my bag to fish out my pen to respond to him. Hi I'm not telling you how old I am or which school I go too but I have four cats, Maui, Norman, Flick and Pearl.

New book!
Word count:817

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