Mysterious Friends...

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Cedric: So what should we do now?
Vinral: I have no idea mate!!😁
Meena: Oh look someone is over- .... There.....
Dexter: Is something wrong Meena?
Meena: Its him💀
Meena pointed at Marcellus.
Dexter's mind: Not this [👩🐶]..
With them.
Odette: Marco, that chick is pointing at you😀
Marcellus: Huh?
He looked behind himself.
Marcellus & Uma: [🦆]
Arlo: Whats wrong?
Uma: Its the kid that we told Marco to hang out with for the party.
Odette: What about it?
Marcellus: I made her cry💀
Arlo: PFFFTTTTT!!!!!
Uma: Yeah💀
Odette: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Arlo: 😂😂😂😂😂
Marcellus: Yeah I know💀
Meanwhile with Cedric's friend group.
Cedric: They're laughing about something.
Meena put her hand down.
Willow: What could it possibly be?
Meena: He told them about me! AND NOW THEY ARE MAKING FUN OF ME😭😭
Vinral: Well [💩]😀
Divine: Oh gosh.
Cedric: She is gonna scream-
Meena: WAHHH!!!
Dexter: Meena, please calm down!
*chaotic screaming*

Cedric: She is gonna scream-Meena: WAHHH!!!Dexter: Meena, please calm down!*chaotic screaming*

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Cedric's mind: I hate her screaming...
Marcellus: What the h3ll is going on over there.
Odette: Two tall people trying to calm a [👩🐶], two kids that just look like they are done, and the confused British kid.
Uma: What a description😂
Marcellus: Oh god😓
Meena: WAHHH!!!
Vinral [rethinking his life decisions]
Dexter: Meena! Meena! Please calm down! Please!
Willow: Meena stop screaming please💀
Divine: I need a book.
Meena: WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Odette: OI! SHUT THE [🦆] UP!!!
Meena stopped crying.
Uma: The tension😧
Marcellus: Odette you started drama!
Odette: Whoops💀
Dexter: [💩].
Meena walked up to them.
Arlo: We don't give a [🦆].
Odette: And now we are leaving.
They all got up, and walked past Meena.
Meena: ...
They than walked past the whole friend group.
Odette: We ain't messing with drama [💩] cya😒
They went inside the school.
Marcellus: That was mad-
Student: Hey Marco! You up for a new bet? Its for a $100!
Marcellus: Oh, sure...
Student: Come with me!
The student grabbed Marcellus and dragged him.
Marcellus: Cya later guys.
Odette: Cya later player.
Uma: Bye!
Arlo: Win the bet!
The student and Marcellus left.
Uma: What now?
Odette: I don't think I like the British kid anymore.
Uma: Good, but why?
Odette: Because first he is gay, second his personality sucks, third he isn't that hot, and last but not least he and is friend group are a pile/bunch of weirdos.
Uma: Okay, that was a lot😅
The three of them walked off.
Meanwhile with Marcellus.
Student: So, your pansexual correct?
Marcellus: Yes? And😐
Student: What if we told you we are betting on a male?
Marcellus: How much are the three of you betting?
Student: I'm am betting for $100 that your'll make him like you in a week.
Student: I think it would take you 3 weeks, I have $50.
Student: I bet your'll do it in a DAY, I'm betting $500.
Marcellus: 😰
Student: So?
Marcellus: Lets see what I can do?
Students: HURRAY!
Marcellus: You know how I play, if they don't fall in love in your time limits I get your money.
Students: We know.
Marcellus: Than its a bet.
Student: Okay wanna know the student?
Marcellus: You can't start off a bet without knowing the target.
Students: Yeah, we know.
Marcellus: So who is it?
Student: Your target is.... [whisper]

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