𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞!ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝

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"Woah Katsuki! this place is huge!" Y/N gasped as she entered the giant cafeteria. "I was thinking the same thing when I first walked in!" Agreed Sero.  She continued walking then stopped in her tracks. She was practically about to fall on her knees "A STARBUCKS?!" She half screamed. People stopped to stare. Kirishima attempted to take the attention away. "She's new! don't worry about it!" he stood in front of her but she pushed him out of the way. She rushed to stand in line. The 4 guys followed after. "Y/N don't fucking run off like that." Bakugo groaned. "Sorry Katuski! But you know I love Starbucks." "Whatever Y/N, Hey extras!" He ordered, "Go get your food then go over to the table. We'll go over there later." "You got it Bakugo!" they agreed. 

"Aww Katsuki! See? you do have friends! Usually you wouldn't let anyone sit with you."

Bakugo groaned again. "Fine Y/N they're my friends. Stop hounding me about it!" She smiled. By they were both at the front of the line. The Barista took their orders. "What can I get for you pretty girl?" he asked. He eyed Bakugo to see his reaction. "Oh thank you!, can I get (Insert order here)?" While she was saying this, Bakugo made the nastiest, "You're gonna die" face. The Barista got nervous. "O-Of course! A-and for you sir?" "Nothing. Now let me pay." he glared at him. "Thanks Katsuki!" she turned back to smile at him. When she went over to the pickup line Bakugo leaned in to whisper to the barista. "Don't ever look at my girlfriend, speak to her, or even fucking think about my girlfriend." "You got it man." he answered in a trembling voice." "Great." He pulled some money out of his pocket and slammed it on the counter, and walked over to Y/N.

"What'd you say to him Katsuki?" "Nothing Y/N. Don't worry about it." She looked at him questionably until her order got placed on the counter. "Thanks for paying!" "mhm." he said as he began to walk over to his friends table. Y/N following behind sipping on her drink." when they both sat down, "Kirishima whispered. "I saw that whole thing man, you really scared that guy" "Whatever Shitty hair!" "ok ok! I got you some food, that spicy stuff you like." Bakugo didn't say anything but he immediently began eating. He didn't have to say anything but Kirishima knew he was saying thanks. "I still can't believe Bakugo pulled a babe like you." Kaminari said to Y/N with a mouth full of food. "SHUT THE FUCK UP DUNCE FACE" Bakugo whisper-screamed. Y/N laughed. As the 5 were eating 4 other students showed up to their table. "Woah Y/N! Is that you?" A green haired boy questioned. Y/N thought for a second.. Green hair, freckles.. 

"Deku?.." "Umm well actually my real name is actually Izuku Midoriya."

 "Oh im so sorry! Thats just what Katsuki had always called you." He chuckled nervously. 

"Well thats just his nickname for me." Y/N still wasn't very sure how he knew her. 

"Katsukis told me all about you!" she said, ignoring her thoughts. Midoriya blushed.

 "Oh well, I'm pretty sure we've never actually met! You were in the other class in middle school" Bakugo was giving him the death stare the entire time "You were pretty popular." he stuttered. 

Y/N was oblivious to Bakugo "I wouldn't say I was popular..." Y/N tried to be modest. "But anyway, nice meeting you!" 

"Y-yea nice meeting you too!" he was still stuttering as he backed away nervously. A girl with brown hair began to speak. "Hi!! Im Ochaco Uraraka!" You're Y/N right?" "thats me!"

"You're so pretty!" 

"Thank you! You are too!"

"Thanks!, So I heard you're dating Bakugo?" 

"I am!" 

"No way, You're so cute and nice and well.." she didn't get to finish before Bakugo started yelling. "SHUT IT ROUND FACE!" "Katsuki calm down! She didn't mean anything!" She assured him. "Let's just get out of here, these damn extras are annoying." He said as he got up. throwing his lunch away. "Sorry!" Y/N apologized to the rest of the group still at the table. "I would love to get to know you more! Can I visit you guys sometime?" "Of course Y/N!" you can see us after school today! we can go somewhere. Of course Bakubro can come too if he wants." he looked at the group. "Is everyone free?" "I am!" Kaminari answered. "Me too!" Sero followed after. Midoriya, Uraraka, A boy with blue hair with glasses. Plus another with split hair nodded. "Awesome!" By then Bakugo had been standing at the exit waiting for Y/N. Too far to hear, but close enough to know what was going on. Y/N gave her number to Kirishima and thanked him again before walking over to Bakugo. "What was that about?" he said as he grabbed her hand and started walking toward the support course. "Im gonna hang out with your friends later today! Do you wanna come?"

 "The only extra I would consider my friend is shitty hair. Everyone else is just an even more of an extra."

"Nonetheless!" I was surprised meeting Midoriya. He's way different than how you described him, he's cuter than I expected!" she joked.

"Not better looking than me!"

"Nope! No one looks better than you." she smiled. The tips of his ears turned red and a pink blush scattered across his face. "So do you wanna come?"

"I don't. But I'll come for you"

"Awwww! Katsuki!" she leaned in but he pulled away. "Not right now Y/N. When we get out of school." 


"I have a reputation!"

"And you don't want the reputation of having a cute girlfriend?"

"Practically the whole school knows by now."

"Yea, I guess you're right!" she laughed.  They had finally gotten back to Y/Ns classroom. the couple said goodbye and Bakugo started walking toward  his own classroom. When he turned the corner he got jump scared by the split haired boy. "What the hell are you doing here icy hot!?" He answered calmly,

 "I was just making sure she was actually your girlfriend and not some sort of hostage."


"I just thought it was weird that a girl like her is actually dating a guy like you."


"I'm sure she'd be happier without a guy like you. Someone else more patient. Someone like me" 

"You better not try anything Icyhot." he said sternly. "Besides, there's no way she would ever like someone like you!" he said confidently.

"We'll see Bakugo." she set as he started walking away.

"What the hell is he gonna do." Bakugo thought. Deep down inside, he was slightly threatened. Was he still completely sure Y/N wouldn't end up leaving him for someone else? 

The bell rang. Todoroki was already gone. Bakugo had to rush to class. He got there at the very last second. Very unlike him? 


(Btw the story is set a bit after the internship arc. before the training camp)

I was originally thinking of having the love triangle with kirishima or kaminari but idk I feel like they wouldn't do that. It's also pretty out of character for todoroki to do that also but whatevs its my story. still don't even really know where to go with this

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