Chapter 5 - Together

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Author's Note: Yes, this is a very open ending, but the story is officially ending here. :') Thank you all so much for reading, voting, and/or commenting! :D

~ Amina Gila

Anakin is on the way back to his room when Ahsoka runs up. "You stayed," she says, panting a little. She must've run a long distance.

He pauses, eyeing her. "How could I have gone?" he asks.

"I know, as Jedi, we're not supposed to be angry," Ahsoka replies, "But – but I can't forget this. What they did to you –"

"They did what they needed to," Anakin interjects, "And I can't forget it, either, but the Council will only do what's best."

"How as any of this for the best?" Ahsoka protests incredulously. "They expelled you. I know the Senate demanded it, but why couldn't they have delayed until looking into the evidence more?!"

"I know, Ahsoka. I know," he replies, unable to meet her eyes. She's angry. He's just... hurt. "But in the end, this isn't about me. It never was. It was for the Order, and for the greater good."

"Master, what they did to you, they could have done to anyone!"

"I know," he tells her, because he does. "I know you're angry," Anakin continues, "And you have a right to be."

Ahsoka crosses her arms. She looks stung. Hurt. "How can we just accept this?"

"What other choice is there?" He doesn't mean to sound as defeated as he does, but he can't help it. It's just that... so much has happened, in such a short time span, and he needs time to think it through. To process it all. "This is where our place is, Ahsoka. We have nowhere else to go. We're Jedi. We are meant to help people, even at the cost of ourselves. And I understand it."

"But it's not right."

"Many things aren't, Snips, but we have to live with it. We can still change things."

"How?" she demands, jerking forwards, "There's just us." She turns away, arms still crossed.

Sixteen or no, she's still so young. She's still a child. The war is what forced her to grow up quickly. It hurts to see sometimes. Hesitantly, Anakin reaches out to touch her shoulder. "I wanted to go. I – I still do, but I could never leave you."

"Thank you," Ahsoka says finally.

"You're my responsibility," he reminds.

"You're not always going to be able to take care of me," she argues.

"I know," Anakin tells her, unruffled, "But I intend on keeping it this way as long as possible." Ahsoka often doesn't understand that, he knows. But Anakin has never let that deter him. He is her master. She's his padawan – it's his duty to take care of her. And more than that, he wants to.

"What now?" she asks. "Will things go back to normal?"

For the first time in what feels like a while, he cracks a smile. "There's never been a normal for us, Snips."

"That's true," Ahsoka agrees grudgingly, "There hasn't been. But I mean, what now? The war's still going on, and we'll just... go back to it?"

"What else could we do?"

"I don't know," she replies, shifting, "But can we really say we... believe in this?"

Anakin has always been blunt. Ahsoka is much the same way, and he appreciates her ability to ask the question straight, even if it's the same one that's been nagging him. "The Republic is falling," he agrees quietly, finally, "And I think everyone already knew that. But I have to believe something will come out of it and of all we've fought for."

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