Chapter 3 - Uncovered

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Author's Note: Anakin needs a hug. :) But then, what else is new? Lol.

~ Amina Gila

Most likely, if Fives told Rex exactly how he managed to find General Skywalker long before the Coruscant Guard, or the 212th, or any of the other clones out looking for him, Rex probably wouldn't believe him. So he doesn't ask. Instead, with an overwhelming level of annoyance, he follows his (very exhausting) little brother into the area where he somehow tracked their General to.

"You shouldn't have come," the General informs them right off, predictably. The alleyway they're in is dark, shadowed, and he's concealed by his cloak.

"We heard what happened," Fives says, dodging the comment entirely, "How can we help find out who's really behind this?"

"I warned him of the risks of coming out here," Rex replies, grudgingly. It's not that he doesn't want to do whatever he can to help Anakin, too, but they don't want to make this worse. If it appeared that the 501st was involved somehow, that would be... bad. "But is there anything we can do, sir?"

Anakin sighs. "You can tell Ahsoka to search the recordings at the Temple. There must be something there related to the hangar that was blown up, I don't know. She'll have to start somewhere. But you shouldn't have come out here."

"I know, sir," Rex replies.

Fives still looks very unrepentant, not that Rex expected otherwise. "We had to do something," Fives objects, "We didn't know if you needed our help."

"Well, thank you," Anakin replies, "For coming. Even if it was dangerous."

"Is there anything else we can do?" Rex inquires.

"Stay safe," Anakin replies, "You need to go. If you're spotted here, it'll only drag you into this, and this situation will become far more complicated."

Rex glances at Fives for a moment. "We'll speak with the Commander." They really do need to go, before someone sees them.

"We could smuggle you somewhere less... visible first," Fives offers.

"It's fine," Anakin assures immediately, "Don't risk yourselves for me."

"You would have done it for one of us," Rex replies.

"Yes," Anakin agrees, "But we must be careful not to make this worse. See what Ahsoka can find, and I will continue the investigation on my end."

"You're investigating out here?" Rex asks. Of course, he is, though. It's not even a question. Anakin wouldn't've run from the prison unless there was something else going on.

"Is there any way we can help with that?" Fives queries. "Anywhere we can... take you?"

The General hesitates for a moment. "I must get to a warehouse on level 1315. I suspect we may find a lead there."

"We can take you there," Rex offers. It's risky, but he doesn't know how Anakin would ever get there on his own without getting spotted.

"Alright," he concedes, clearly reluctant, "But after that, you must leave. I will search it on my own."


Anakin isn't surprised Rex and Fives came to find him, even if they really shouldn't have. It's dangerous, and he keeps his hood pulled low over his head as they fly to the right level in the Underworld.

Sometimes, being around Fives is... hard. Anakin never knew Echo very long, but they were still... close.

Not as if thinking about it will change it.

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