Chapter 14: Willow and Cordy's Demise

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Willow wakes to find she is being held captive in a cell with Cordelia.

"Cordy, wake up! "Willow says, giving the girl a quick nudge to wake her up.

"What? Where are we?" Cordy mumbles before looking around at her current surroundings.

"We've been kidnapped and locked away in this cell," Willow tells her.

"Who did this to us?"

"I don't know. The last thing I remember is Buffy coming to Giles' store and then I woke up here?"

"Did Buffy do this to us?" Cordy questioned.

"That'd be my guess?"

Just then, the door to the dungeon opened, and in walked Buffy with two trays of food.

"Here, girls, I brought you something to munch on," Buffy said, sliding the trays in the slot as Willow took the trays from her and handed one to Cordy.

"I'm not very hungry," Cordy said as she set her tray down on the bed, while Willow ravenously ate hers.

"You sure, Cordy? It may be slop, but it's good." Willow said as Cordy watched.

"No thank you. In fact, here, you can have mine."

"I'd eat your meal," Buffy said. "You're going to need your strength for what I've got planned for you two."

Then Buffy left the two girls to eat.

"What do you think she has in mind for us?" Cordy asked Willow.

"Beats me, but I'm ready for whatever it is?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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