Chapter 165 : Safe Hideout? What's that?

Start from the beginning

As the rogue ninjas were celebrating, the Explosion tags began exploding. The entire hidden cave began shaking. They didn't understand what exactly was happening.

One of them yelled, "What the fuck is happening? Did an earthquake hit us?"

Another one of the ninjas had his eyes closed as he sensed. His name was Fumihiko Mokuami. He was a rogue ninja from the Land of Water and was a SealMaster. He said, "Someone has planted hundreds of explosions around our cave. Take cover immediately!"

Everyone began using defensive jutsus. However, the number of explosions was too high! The cave soon crumbled. Rocks rained down upon them. The ground under them began collapsing. Explosion tags began exploding very close to them. All the large-scale defensive jutsus were torn down leaving every man for himself!

The explosions also disabled all seals. The Konoha ninjas could now use their senses to observe the ones hiding inside.

Fujin was the first one to speak. His voice was very serious as he said, "There is a Jounin among them! Their total number is 14. Everyone is at least a chunin!"

The entire group became very serious. A jounin from Kumo along with 13 chunins would be very difficult to handle!

Tamotsu said, "Let's pay attention from a distance and see how many survive. I will decide whether to attack or retreat."

He looked at Katsumi, who nodded his head.

The explosions broke all the cave walls. Water from the waterfall began pouring into it and submerging the entire cave!

The rogue ninjas who were struggling with explosions, debris and unstable footing suddenly had to deal with a strong water wave as well!

Korenaga grabbed Rikyu and began making his way out of the cave through the water. Mokuami created a barrier around himself and began making his way out as well.

In all, the explosions killed 3. Another 5 were killed when rocks fell on them. And 1 more was killed due to suffocating underwater.

The 5 who made it out had some injuries on them. Only Mokuami and Korenaga were completely fine. They expected to be ambushed as soon as they got out. However, there was no attack instead there was another trap for them.

Katsumi had some of his bugs move along the water that flooded the cave. These bugs could survive underwater and were very poisonous. They managed to bite all except Mokuami who was protected by a barrier.

As soon as they landed outside the waterfall, their legs began shaking. Korenaga said, "Fuck! I'm poisoned."

He looked around to see 3 more being in the same situation as he was. He looked at Mokuami who wasn't even a bit hurt and yelled, "Bastard! Did you betray us?"

Mokuami quickly defended himself, "I have done no such thing."

Korenaga didn't trust him and said, "First we were attacked despite your seals. And now all but you are poisoned. How would you explain that?"

Korenaga unsheathed his chakra sword as he spoke. However, he didn't attack and instead kept his attention on an incoming ambush.

Seeing that they wouldn't clash, the Konoha ninjas made a move. Tamotsu said, "I will take on the Jounin. Ryota, take on the unharmed guy. Others finish off the rest and come to help us."

The group nodded and flickered. The rogue ninjas noticed them and prepared for a fight. Mokuami said, "They are Konoha ninjas. Perhaps you four were poisoned by bugs. They couldn't poison me due to my barrier."

Korenaga snorted and focused on the Konoha ninjas. The Konoha group flickered until they were just 20 meters from the enemy. Fujin was at the center, Tamotsu and Tadashi were on both his sides and both had made hand signs.

'Fire Release: Great Fireball jutsu'

At the same time, Fujin used Infinite Breakthrough jutsu. The 3 jutsus combined creating a massive Firestorm. While their missions over the last couple of months weren't challenging, Fujin did improve his teamwork alongside the group a lot.

The rogue ninjas were surprised by the huge Firestorm heading for them.

Korenaga yelled, "Get underwater!"

The rogue ninjas immediately dove into the river they were standing on.

Ryota, Tadashi and Tamotsu followed them underwater. Katsumi didn't join them as most of his bugs were ineffective underwater. While Fujin didn't go as he didn't want to face an experienced Lightning user underwater.

Under the water, Korenaga saw the Konoha ninjas following him. He immediately became angry, 'They dare to fight me underwater?'

He made hand signs.

'Lightning Release: False Darkness'

He released a spear of Lightning from his mouth at Tamotsu.

Tamotsu watched the incoming lightning spear with a grim expression as he thought, 'I didn't expect him to use such a strong jutsu despite being poisoned!'

He threw a kunai with an explosion tag at the incoming spear. It exploded right before reaching the spear. The explosion dispersed the spear. However, since they were underwater, the current began spreading through the entire area.

The Konoha ninjas as well as the Rogues were electrocuted. Among the rogues, 3 had an affinity to the Lightning element. They were fine. While Mokuami once again insulated himself with the help of seals. Only one rogue was shocked.

On the side of the Konoha ninjas, all the 3 who went underwater and the dog were shocked. Though it didn't injure them, the shock had a paralytic effect on them and hindered their movement. They immediately began exiting the water. Their advantage had been reversed with a single jutsu!


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