[Chapter Two] | A Meaningful Talk

Start from the beginning

While his mother has spent a lot of her time in the office doing her work of drawing and creating panels, she has always tried to make time for her son. Unlike his father, his mother has been around more than him. If anything, there are times Y/N can remember his mother's face more than his father, mostly because of how much of a workaholic he is. He could argue that his mother is a workaholic as well, but she knows her limits and knows when to stop when she knows her work is too controlling of her life and ethic itself. In the manga community, she's one of the few artists known to go on frequent breaks and hiatuses to not wear herself down. One of the few people that were able to turn their hobby into work, but still able to find joy in being able to do and continue it. Unlike the others that have found their hobbies turned into a job and only doing it for the sake of earning money and not for the sake of keeping themselves happy.

Y/N soon found himself leaning forward and resting his face into his arms.

"God, I'm so tired..."

"What the heck?" Yumiko stared down at him. "You sound like some old geezer. Stop that."

He laughed wryly, "Sorry. Just mean to say that life has been rather dull and dry recently. Almost like there's nothing to do and boring."

She kicks his shin for the second time. "Are you implying that spending time with me is dull and boring?"

"Ow! No, I didn't say that!" He shot up and straightened his posture, sighing in the process. "Sorry, spending time with my dad overseas was rather drab."


She didn't know much about the relationship between Y/N and his father. Yumiko assumed that it was a somewhat healthy one. But he never discussed it a lot.

"You two doing okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, we are. Why do you ask?"

"You're making it sound like you two don't like each other at all."

He laughed wryly again. "I wouldn't put it that way. It's just... It would be great if he didn't make me do things I'd rather not want to do..."

Y/N said this a little bit quieter, his eyes beginning to dull a little. In his head, some sort of white noise began to fill his ear, a ringing irritation beginning to occur. Such dark thoughts began to take over him again.

But of course, the person in front of him knocked him away from his dark thoughts. Flicking her index finger against his forehead, an annoyed look on her face, Yumiko made Y/N focus on her again.

"H-Huh?" Y/N briefly shook.

"When did you get all condescending and dark? It's kinda gross," Yumiko recoiled in disgust. "You're reminding me of a classmate who looks dead all the time. Stop it."

Chuckling to himself, he straightens his back and fixes his collar. "Sorry that I got moody all of a sudden. Just can't help but think that being in Japan is a breath of fresh air, you know? It's a nice change of pace to what I was previously used to."

"I see..." Yumiko fell silent before speaking up again. "Hey, N/N..."

"Hmm? What's up?" His full attention was now onto her. It made her heart race a little, due to how intensely he stared at her, a slight tint of red coming to her cheeks.

"You know you can talk to me... Right?"

"We are talking. Right now."

She grew annoyed, "You know what I'm talking about, dumbass. God, do you like acting dumb? It's like you're asking for me to hit you most of the time."

He laughed, albeit sounding a bit forced. "Sorry, sorry. Teasing is kind of fun, I can't help it. But, yeah, I know what you mean."

"...I really meant what I said. It's really great to see you again, N/N."

"...I know. I meant it too."

This time, he genuinely smiled at her. A smile that she hadn't seen in a long time, for what seemed like forever. Even though she saw that smile when they first met again back at the park.

"It's great to see you too, Yumi-chan."

It was interactions like these that warmed her heart. Despite it being such a long time, a lot of aspects changed between them, there were some things that didn't change.

Although it seemed like they were having trouble readjusting back to how it was before, it was still moments like these where they could relax.

Feel like things haven't changed at all. Feel like things had continued off right from before they separated.

[Chapter Two] | A Meaningful Talk


Yo. How was the chapter? Made it a bit longer than last time.

With how this story is going, I wanted to go with a little bit of a different approach with this story. I want to go with some darker themes to it.

Probably should've put these disclaimers in the description and first chapter, but they are kind of there, but I will remind you of what this book will have and entail. There will be mentions of serious topics like self-harm and depression, things like that. I kind of want to draw this story a bit closer to reality and serious mental problems that people are experiencing to try and raise awareness.

I'm saying this because I am also going through this.

Basically, here's my little PSA:

If you're feeling and experiencing things like depression and thinking of doing self-harm, talk to people. It isn't the best solution to talking with a therapist or taking medicines, but it is a start. Try and confide with people you care about, don't try and hold it in and bottle up your emotions. That was a mistake that I made when I bottled up my depressive emotions for like four years from my parents before I ended up crumbling, the walls of protection that I had put up all falling down. Things like these are serious and should be taken seriously.

That being said, I am also not a licensed therapist and you shouldn't take my words for granted. But it truly is important that you discuss this serious things with people you care about, especially your parents. You have pillars of caring people to lean on out there. Someone will be able to listen.

That's all I wanted to say.

Another and last reminder, this book will contain serious topics and themes such as depression. If you are uncomfortable with topics like these, it's best that you stop reading or read with a guardian or older parent. This book is trying in hopes to be made of a interesting story while also sending a message.

Do not take this as something as making fun of others that are suffering from topics like these. 

Pompous And High Maintenance | Yumiko Miura × M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now