"Like the old days, huh? You know, bustin' heads" Diego nudged Luther. His smile quickly faded as he read out a name on the tape. "Oh, Jeez, Luther. Lionel Rich- are you kidding me?" He complained.

"What? Lionel Richie's still cool." Luther defended. "No." Diego dragged. "Look, I met Someone, okay?..and I thought you know, maybe she'd like some curated songs that just so happen to express what's in my heart."

Luther put his headphones back on but Diego took them off "when did you have time to meet someone?" He asked. "I mean we've been here for two days and the only time you-".

"Is it Sloane Hargreeves by any chance?" I asked Luther with a smirk on my face. His eyes widened in shock and so did Diego's. "How did you know that?!" Luther yelled. "I have my ways" I smirked once more and Luther then looked at Diego's and the look on his face said it all.

He held the tape up "this is a mixtape for the enemy?" He looked at Luther with betrayal on his face. To be honest, Diego is being way to dramatic about the sparrows. Especially Sloane, I heard she was the nice one.

"Hey. Sloane is not the enemy. They are not the enemy. This is all one big misunderstanding. And if our family could just behave ourselves for once, then we could all work together. And then Sloane and I can fall in love, get married, buy a dog, grow old on a porch" Luther smiled to himself just thinking about it.

I gagged down his ear loudly on purpose causing him to glare at me and Diego let out an amused chuckle.

"Is...is Sloane the gravity one?" he asked. Luther nodded and Diego smirked. "Oh shit. You guys gravity banged" he snickered like a child.

"Ew gross! TMI! TMI!" I shouted and covered my ears. "Come on, you know I can't talk about that. Your daughter is standing right there" Luther pointed to me and I desperately nodded agreeing with him.

"Whatever, she's in her own little world right now" I wish I was "Luther, I'm your brother. We got no secrets."

He looked around before turning to Diego. "Okay, well, uh, you might say we were uh, 'dancing on the ceiling'" him and Diego smiled at each other.

"Oh! That one's going in!" Luther yelled and went back to the mixtapes. Diego stood up and grabbed a bottle of beer (I think). He placed it In a box filled with more cocktails, picked it up and walked past.

"You. Come with Me" he pointed at me. I followed him. "What's a Molotov Cocktail?" I asked. Diego ignored me and continued walking "is it a drink?" "No" he replied "can I try one" "No!" He said louder.
"You know I've had beer before right?" I said.

"It's a homemade bomb, okay" Diego's says as we both walked up the stairs. "Ooh!, can I help?" I ask. "Ever made a pipe bomb? 'Cause me and Stanley have. We've blown up tons of mailboxes back in Berlin. There are secrets in the mix."

Diego gave me a weird look and I shut up, realising that I've said too much. "So what's my job here, and how much you paying?"I ask, Diego presses the call button on the elevator and waited for it to open.

"Your job is to study the inside of this elevator, alright?" He made sure I was in and pressed all floor buttons so it would stop on every floor. "Seriously?" I said. "Until I get back" he finishes and the door started closing.

"Wait, where are you going? Come back!" I shouted but the door closed and Diego walked away. I groaned in annoyance. I really hate this guy, he is obviously just trying to get rid of me.

Once we stopped on the floor, I jammed the doors open with my mind and stepped out of the elevator. I walked down the stairs and into the lobby. I saw Diego with uncles Luther and Viktor and aunt Allison.

Diego Hargreeves daughterWhere stories live. Discover now