Kyoto Is Saved, But A Friend Is Lost

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*3rd Person Pov*

"fuck you Agravain" With these words he grits his teeth and charged forwards, his pace quickening with each step, his sword glowed a watery blue as the light revealed more than the silhouettes of the darkspawn who all shielded their eyes from the light.

A few paces from the first darkspawn Lancelot shifted his stance, his expression now resolute, his eyes burning with a determination only found in humanity.

He thrust Arondlight forward through the first darkspawn, the blade cut like a hot knife through butter, and with several other strikes, Lancelot was spilling darkspawn blood splitting the small army like a ship through brittle ice.

The broodmother now showed signs of fear as the knight never slowed in his advance no matter the amount of darkspawn that she commanded to throw themselves at the knight.

It was in the heat of slaying the darkspawn that Lancelot had a thought a memory really, of just after the Battle of York, where he had reunited with y/n now a warden. Why didn't he join them as well? Afterall he was technically a fugitive and he could've redeemed himself.

But it was then that his mind remembered why he was unworthy to join the Wardens.

'I was Unworthy, I would never have been truly dedicated to the cause over Quenivere...' he ducked to the left as the large fist of an Ogre swiped at his head, then showing his skill Lancelot, flourished his blade before hitting every vulnerable point in the beast armour, hitting it's joints and soft tissues such as the eyes, the armpits and the groin. As the ogre stumbled wounded and bleeding, it let out a final whimper falling to the ground too weak to move.

Lancelot continued his charge at unnatural speeds, his skill with the blade serving him well as he never suffered a single injury from any of the Darkspawn that continued to throw themselves at him.

When Lancelot was left with only a small group of darkspawn and the broodmother his armour was now a purplish red, the same colour as the tainted blood of the darkspawn.

He scooped up on of the hurlock's swords and proceeded to dual wield, he moved with a swift elegance displaying his unique level of skill.

The blade seemed to always find the weak points in his enemies armour and defenses, allowing Lancelot to dispatch the remaining Darkspawn with little difficulty.

A tear fell from his eyes as a flash of a woman with white hair and light pink eyes, smiled sadly towards him as she seemed to get further and further away. He still remembered her delicate features, the way the wrinkles formed at the edges of her eyes when she laughed.

As the tear dripped from his face, his body went into overdrive, he became faster, his armour seemed to shake the blood off and start to glisten once again.

It was then that Lancelot heard a voice...

"become the man and knight, I know you are." with these words which had been whispered by a soft voice, accompinied by the faint scent of lavender, Lancelot charged Arondlight with his prana.

"Oath to my King!" the words left his mouth like instinct as the Brood mother seemed to recoil in terror at the light the blade emitted.

"Reaching the very end, beyond the boundaries. King on the other side, look at this light!" in his heart he addressed this to one other individual, the love and life he had never got to have due to Morgan's meddling. The anger and sadness fueled the blade as it unleashed the invading light and glory of the lake.

"Arondight Overload!!" Lancelot leaped into the air, the blade raised above his head, it hit the ceiling but cut the stone like butter as the knight started his downward arc towards the broodmother several remaining dark spawn jumped in his way all were cut down by the powered blade and before he landed he slashed into the broodmothers face slicing it in half, with a bright flash and the sound of rushing blood, the second broodmother perished, swallowed by the shining light of the lake.

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