new job, stupid devils

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Author note: Mordred and y/n will finally meet the devils and how will
y/n act when he find out the school is filled with perverts.


As me and Mordred walked through the gates the students gawked at us.

"Who are they?" A girl said
"Who cares Look at that cute girl" a boy with brown hair and a red under-shirt said as my eye twitched.
"Are they related?" Someone else whispered.

"This is pissing me off" I said to Mordred who nodded
"I swear If another perv looks at me like that I'm gonna castrate them" Mordred said.

"So we have to go to the student council office to collect our schedules" I asked as Mordred grunted in confirmation

"So there are devils here" I said to Mordred with a raised brow. "Do you think they know that their aura can be felt from across the town"

As we approached the student council doors I gave Mordred a nod to which she smirked.
The door slammed open and the student council looked startled.
"Yo" Mordred greeted
" we came to get our schedules my name is y/n and this is my daughter Mordred" I said as I glanced around the room their was two sofas facing each other with a coffee table between them as my gaze centered on the desk in the centre of the room in front of the window which had the curtains drawn.
'going for the dark and gloomy vibe....fuckin' emos'
"Ah I was just about send someone to collect you" a girl said
She had black short hair that had a trimmed fringe, she had pinkish-purple calculative eyes that watched me and Mordred like a hawk she was surrounded by her other council members.

'ah, another goon squad' I thought as the boy walked up to mordred and said
"Who do you think you are you just destroyed school property then waltzed into the room like nothing happened " as he was practically screaming at Mordred my eye started twitching. "I don't care if your a pretty blonde it doesn't change the fact that you can't act like this" he continued his rant to my annoyance.
" Ya done" Mordred said with a smirk
His face turned red with rage as he was about to shout at Mordred some more, then a girl with long black and square turquoise glasses stopped him.
"Saji.... that's enough" she said in a stern voice he froze and returned to his original position.
"Yeah that's right mutt" Mordred taunted.
" my name is Sona Shitori ,I apologise for his behaviour and here is your schedules Mordred is in class 2-B whilst you Mr l/n are teaching history and myths and you are the head of the kendo club, maths is class 2-Bs first lesson, class starts in an hour" she said " do you need an escort?" She asked, we shook our heads
"Cheers" we both said as we walked out

As we left and started walking towards the classroom I turned to Mordred.
"Well that was informative" I said with a smirk.
"Yeah" Mordred replied "Now we know there are stinking devils here."


Sona pov

"Well they were annoying" my pawn saji said
"Tsubaki could you feel anything from them?" I asked my long time friend
"No I couldn't but when Mr l/n entered the room, my instincts was telling me that even though I couldn't sense any magic he would kill me" she replied
"Let's keep an eye on them" I said as they nodded.
'Y/n l/n and Mordred l/n just who are you truly?'

3rd person pov

When Mordred and y/n arrived at the classroom, y/n told Mordred to wait outside and y/n would ask her to come in.
Y/n opened the door and entered the class started whispering
"Is that hottie our new teacher" girl 1 said
"I want him to be my daddy!" Another girl said whilst y/n looked disgusted.
" Ugh this guy hasn't been here a minute and he stealing the chicks from us" a boy groaned
"He looks ripped" another boy said as his friends turned to him in disgust.
"What?" He said
"Are you gay" the third boy said but when he looked at y/n he felt his skin recoil in terror "what the hell is going on!!? I'll have to tell Ria's about this" he said quietly so his friends didn't hear.
Y/n stood at the front waiting for the class to stop chatting, his eyebrow started twitching.
"Shut up" he shouted as the class went silent.
"Finally.... I'm your new history and myths teacher my name is y/n l/n but you will call me Mr l/n or sir ,got it" he shouted the last part as the class rapidly nodded "any questions" y/n said as a couple hands went up
"Yes you at the back"
"Are you the new head of the kendo club?" She asked
"Yes I am" y/n answered "yes you by the window
" Where are you from? and what are your hobbies?" A girl with pink hair said
" I'm from England and I enjoy training ,cooking and pranks and beating up perverts" y/n said
" Dislike perverts, rapists, arrogant people and evil witches/ bitches" he said with a dark look as the boys gulped.
"Next question" y/n said "yes you blondie"
"Um m-my name is a-asia" she said Shyly
"Ok Asia what is your question" y/n said with a kind smile on his face
'she is a devil but she's just to pure'
"W-well I-um I wanted to ask what your favourite myth is?" She said nervously
"My favourite myth hmm...." Y/n rubbed his chin in thought
"my favourite myth is the legend of the grey warden who ended the supposed fifth blight" he said with a hint of nostalgia on his face Asia nodded
Suddenly y/n clapped his hands
" Okay question time over you have a new student joining you today so treat her nicely" the class started to whisper.
"come in Mo-san~" y/n said as Mordred entered and glared at him "I thought I told you not to call me that you old bastard!" she shouted as y/n chuckled "introduce yourself to the class" y/n said
"My name is Mordred l/n take care of me and all that" she said with a dismissive wave of her hand.
"Any question for Mordred" loads of hands shot up " if a single one is perverted I will cut your balls off" y/n continued
"Ok, you the girl with brown hair" Mordred said
" Um what is your relationship with Mr l/n?" She said
"He's my dad" Mordred responded
"What do you like and dislike?" The girl with pink hair said
"I like food, fighting and training " Mordred  said "I dislike perverts, rapists and dad's pranks" Mordred said with a sigh when y/n chuckled.
" Ok then Mo-san~ you go find a seat" y/n said as Mordred screamed in rage.

The Warden Who Loved The King.(Male Reader X Artoria)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin