"I love you"

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A twig snapped. You looked down quickly but it was too late, Carl already knew you were there "Y/N!?" He whisper-screamed, "You can't be out here." He said grabbing your shoulders "Yeah I could say the same about you" You move closer looking stern "You need to go, now." He says slightly pushing me back

We hear a car starting and he turns around quickly trying to get as close as possible to the truck without getting noticed as I do the same they get in and we sneak through the back "I told you to go y/n, I'm serious." He says angrily "No way." I say. We hear something moving behind us "I'm guessing you had the same idea?" Jesus says

"omg." Carl sighs pulling me into a corner, he grabs a suitcase and starts looking for guns Jesus grabs some stuff opens it, and pours it down the street. "Go, I'll follow after Carl," says while Jesus is trying to jump out once he does he looks back at Carl only for him to not move "Well..." Jesus said sighing

Carl gets in the corner with me handing me a gun. "Carl?" I say looking back at him, I was sitting in between his legs "I-" The car stopped. We hear people getting out of it Carl looks at me as we get out of the corner and point our guns. 1... 2.. he Signaled looking back at me once they open the curtain we start shootings "WELL SHIT" Negan comes out tapping his bat.

"Aren't you some badass kids?"He says laughing and pointing the bat at us. We just stare at him one of his men tackles us to the ground. " now! now! That's no way to treat a woman Simon!" Negan says looking down at me "Mostly when she looks like that!" He laughed giving me a hand

I look at him and tilt my head chuckling a bit "Oh come on! I don't bite." He said laughing. " leave her alone" Carl stood up "Oh my bad big boy!" He laughs grabbing us both and taking us inside. He gives us a tour and takes us to his "wife's" I look at Carl and he looks back at me  "Oh come on kid! I know you wanna look. Hey, it's okay I'll get you one!"

He turns his head to him with a disgusted face. "Ohhh your girlfriends here.." he turns to look at me "Sorry princess" he laughs and goes to talk to Simon. You grab Carl's hand and lean on him the whole time he's looking at the ground or you. "Hey" you look up at him

"It's okay. I don't care if you look I'm aware they're pretty." You say awkwardly feeling the tension "What?" He says looking down at you. A girl walks over. "Hey..." she says looking about our age Carl looks away not saying anything I just look at her and she stares at Carl "You know it's rude not to talk back" She chuckles.  he gives her a side eye and looks back down.

Negan comes and takes us both to a room "well well well how did you like my home?" we both look up as he sits down laughing. He says "Carl take it off" Carl looks up at him not understanding "Take off your bandage," he says leaning towards him "No," Carl says looking angry beginning to lean forward now pointing the bat at Carl's face "Take. It. Off."

Carl sighs unraveling the bandages slowly "WELL SHIT KID" Megan says falling back laughing "That's one messed up face!" "do you see that princess?" he says now looking at me. "How can you love something like that!" I feel rage as I look at him "Better than yours." I say back "Now, now, don't lie." "Just let us go," I say I can't think of anything but slapping this man in the face.

Negan tilts his head "Your the ones who came to me." He says looking at the boy beside me who is looking straight at him.  "you father and I  need to have a little talk, Carl." He says smirking. Silence fills the room for a bit until Negan stands up suddenly "Well we better get going if we want to make it there in time for dinner!" He says standing up and laughing.


We're in the car now. I'm on top of Carl sitting uncomfortably. "Now kid, hold it together while I get you home,"  he says looking at me, then Carl, I hate him. Carl just glares at him holding me tighter, angrier. The car ride is Negan talking straight from his ass.

We finally get to Alexandria and it's about noon. We get out of the car and head towards the house. "I love you" I whisper to Carl as we walk. He just looks down so I don't have to see his eye. "I love you," I say again hoping for a response this time. "I love you too Y/N," he says whispering back. There's hurt in his voice.

Words- 854

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