And I'm sticking with this now I guess

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Bloody superheroes, always ruining everything. I can’t walk anywhere without being constantly bombarded with a hero pushing some nonsense about ‘staying true to the law’ and ‘not straying from the right and just path’ Hero thought to himself as he stepped out of his rickety apartment building. The lock gave a satisfying click as he shut the door behind him, and he looked up to see a brightly coloured billboard that, frankly, hurt his eyes. It’s a load of bullcrap. Well, I might be a bit biased on that, given my current… employment. Hero had spent every day of his life trying to get rid of the hero organisations, the horrible people that run them, but they keep cropping up again.

"Kids these days never seem to find a shortage of inspiration in their lies and manipulation." He grumbled to himself as he pulled his hood up around his head, put his headphones on, shoved his hands into his pockets, and started walking. He tried to ignore everyone around him, all the noise, the clutter, the people. Hero had never been one for big crowds, they terrified him, though, he hardly ever got out of the house much, so he figured he just must not be used to them.
All of these thoughts distracted him from where he actually was in time and space, so when he finally looked back up from the concrete pavement, Hero found himself in amongst a large group of people. They’re all clamouring to get to the centre of the circle that has formed. Hero was being pushed and shoved around like a rock on the bottom of a river. He immediately turned back around to try and get out of this predicament, but it was futile. The combined force of the group was too much. A sharp pain erupted in Hero’s stomach as somebody’s elbow jabbed him in his abdomen, and he let out a groan of discomfort
“Ladies, ladies, please!” A strong and commanding yet oddly soothing voice rang out from the centre of the crowd. A tall, toned man pushed his way through the crowd, gently moving people to the side so that he could get through. His most striking feature was his hair. Pure white. Completely contrasting his olive skin. Hero immediately recognised him as the hero Siren, ranked fairly highly in the popularity charts. Though he wasn’t one of the strongest or the one with the most rescues and missions, he definitely made up for all of that in his looks. Hero groaned internally, only now realising why there was such a big crowd. Siezing the opportunity of the settled group, he tried to make a beeline out of the swarm of fans, but something caught his wrist. Hero whipped around to attempt to free himself, thinking he must’ve snagged his bracelet on somebody’s baggy clothes, only to be met by the striking blue eyes of Siren himself.
“Hey, are you alright?” He questioned Hero softly, his expression showing genuine concern and worry. Moments passed as Hero found himself unable to move, transfixed by Siren’s gentle gaze pouring into his and rooting him to the ground. Eventually, he came to his senses, yanking his arm out of Siren’s iron grip, tearing his eyes away and muttering;
“I’m fine,” Before turning around and almost storming away from all of them. He’s less than five metres away before the fans start crowding around Siren again, yelling to get his attention or autographs. Heroes. They’re so titular. Always acting as if they have any authority, when in reality, anyone could do what they do with even the slightest amount of training. Hero thought bitterly as he stormed away from the other people. All you need to succeed in this society is have a powerful ability. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Even though he was walking away, Hero could feel Siren’s eyes burning into his skin. As he reluctantly glanced back over his shoulder, he saw the celebrity craning to look over the crowd. To look at Hero.

Some random thing I wrote when i was boredWhere stories live. Discover now