Untitled Chapter 6

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You head over towards the shed with him. You're still half-dazed from earlier. You ended up correcting your footwork about four times, three as close calls as you were about to fall into the weirdly elongated pool. Regardless, you were inside the shed.

Your eyes slowly dart around. You've already taken inventory of what specifically the shed had, but only now you can see the rotting wood, the small cracks in both the wood and the glass, as well as what seemed to be an endless supply of cobwebs.

"Now, we've got seeds here, assorted alphabetically. These aren't exactly ready to fend off zombies, you've still gotta do a bit of that sciency stuff before they can really do anything. Essentially these are just normal seeds, for what you're used to."

He'd just go on about the whole process. To explain it simply, you just take any old seed, and introduce its insides with mercury, then shove it in a microwave for one minute at full power. You'd have to do all that just for one seed.

"Surprisingly simple, no?"

You couldn't help but ask him, why mercury? Was it because it had a weirdly transformative gene, or the first metal this Dave guy tried that didn't immediately combust into flames during the microwaving?

"It seems like pure dumb luck to me. I wasn't around to see the first few tests. No-one was."

About five seconds of silence pass before he says anything again.

"Can I be totally frank for a moment here?"

You nod, acknowledging that his tone has totally changed.

"I feel like it's impossible to really get rid of the zombies. Like, for good. Like, sure, we've put them at bay, but they've just come back out of nowhere. It's like this town's hexed to just have a perpetual zombie outbreak."

He goes to lay down on a few half-full bags of soil, as if he was in therapy.

"I might just think this way because I've never seen Neighborville actually populated, like, the only Humans I've ever seen are Dave and yourself. I tried to get a peek at the movers, but the whole house was kind of in my way."

You had trouble finding any sort of relation to him. You've seen millions of people. You would say that he's the only humanoid platform you've seen, but really he's probably first of his type.

You ended up leaving him alone to brood.

- - -

The TV half-roared with gunfire. You did keep it on a lower volume setting, because of getting found out by the hordesin town.

You weren't watching some sort of war documentary, rather American Dad!. Family Guy was so yesterday, obviously.

"Now, Francine, that's what I call a Ceasar Salad."

The TV Audio was a bit hard to make out. Either because of the low volume, or how tired you were. Could even be a combination of both.

You walk to your room much like how an old lady would cross the road, both slowly and shaking with each step. Happily you've taken care of the corpses of the zombies before 12 a.m., you wouldn't be able to move even a finger of theirs to the bin out front.

You open your bedroom door to reveal that your window has been opened, and someone was laying on your side of the bed.

"Oh, hey."

The plant.

"Kinda just helped myself. Way softer than wood."

You explain to him that this was your bed.

"Come on, there's enough space for the both of us. Just hop in."

You thought he was hitting on you at first, but really it seemed like he was impervious to what he was implying. There was no shot of you complaining, either. Where else would he sleep, the couch? There's three exposed springs on one side of it.

You lay next to him, rolled away from where he was, trying not to make things any more awkward than they were. The situation made almost all of your drowsiness vanish, leaving you prone like an insomniac, until dawn, where you finally sleep... 

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