There's a Zombie on Your Lawn!

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You can already hear that person walk around just underneath you. You've got no idea how to protect yourself, and frankly, you've got no combat skills, either than that one time you got in a fight in highschool.

Before you even have a chance to conjure up some sort of a plan to rid of the guy, the door to your bedroom bursts open, revealing a man in blue jeans, a brown suit coat, and a striped red and white tie. You were right, this is a zombie. Thing is, now you're just staring at each other, in your bedroom. The only thing that separates you from him is your twin-sized bed. You couldn't think straight given the fight-or-flight circumstances you're in, which made you two equals on this field. And thus, you turn right back to the window, trying to pry it open with what little arm strength, and brain strength, you had. You couldn't pry it open, until you notice that it was locked. But before you could open the window, The zombie pounced directly for you from the doorway. They land flat across your bed. The loud creaks of the bed translate all the way up to the attic hatch, which flies open, ladder and all. before you know it, the zombie gets swatted from above, resulting in a concussing crinkle sound, like an old fall leaf getting stepped on.

There is now a dead (or, however more dead a zombie can be) zombie on your bed. You're almost frozen on the other side of the room. Well, whatever it is, you can't sleep with a dead corpse on your bed, or even one in the same room. You open the window from your room, and toss it outside. It makes an almost cushioned landing when it hits the grass. Cushioned enough to where it didn't make any noise coming down.

Now, you stood there. Unknowing what to do with your time. You can't do anything that'll lure the zombies inside, so doing anything noisy was a no-go.

Thus, where safer could you be than the attic? And plus, there could be something up there to pass the time. Climbing up with a lantern, you make it to the attic. You can see specifically where that old note was, given that there was a rectangular-shaped hole in the dust. What you could also see was a few cardboard boxes, along with a few full shelves, with some books. Whatever it is, you hit a jackpot.

You open a book blindly from the shelf. The title reads: The Complete and Comprehensive History of Neighborville. Maybe you could finally get some sort of sense of location to what this place used to be when it was primarily humans.

To summarize the book: "Neighborville was settled when a feuding married couple had divided themselves (They didn't divorce, it was still socially unacceptable.) The man was a farmer, whereas the woman was a biologist. The man primarily worked in the west of the town, growing food for the east. The east on the other hand, was mainly dedicated to housing, business and later on, factories. In the 1930's, both the man and the woman would start their independent companies, West Neighborville Farming, Seeds, and etc. Co. and East Neighborville Biological Research. When the two passed in 1945 for the man and 1946 for the woman, the two companies would merge soon afterwards, given that their goals were very much in line, Biological research would benefit farming, and the farming would keep people from moving away, subsequently quitting from the biological research company. This was until the plants grown from the soil began to plague on the residents. Apparently, Neighborville was on some sort of a zombie-virus ley line, which finally started to take effect on the eating residents. One Zombie turned into two, then two to four, four to eight, eight to sixteen, sixteen to thirty-two, and so on. This ley line wasn't new, either. It has been around since the prehistoric era, given some found cave drawings detailing some zombie-like figures."

You read through that whole thing, end-to-end. Needless to say, it was now 7:00 a.m., and the sun had risen. You slotted the thick book back, and slid out the next, in hopes of finding something less boring. You didn't have luck for entertainment, but you had luck for finding good sources of information, this beige book was titled "The Suburban Almanac", written by whoever that Crazy Dave guy was, since it had his name on the byline. Turning a few pages, you see a few different zombies, A zombie in which wore a cone, a zombie that rose other zombies from the ground, as well as a zombie that paved the grass with ice for a bobsled team. These all sounded annoying at the very least to deal with, given that you'd probably bash them with that hefty book, but one stood out from all the others: this one was huge, it was titled "The Gargantuar", a humongous steroid-infused zombie that just smashed stuff. You'd die in mere seconds if you were confronted with that: in fact that plant guy probably had no better a chance at defeating that than you did.

Then, you couldn't help but hear some sort of commotion outside. You peer out the back window of the attic, seeing a full zombie-funeral happening in your backyard, complete with four zombies wearing all black, one zombie priest and one zombie widow, crying uncontrollably on the shoulder of a zombie to their right.

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