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#1 I legit won't work on anything if I'm not motivated.

#2 this story is kinda like a recreation of lord of the rings but w my own characters if you didn't guess lol :D


As soon as the Elvish princes herself had realized she was pregnant with the son of a man, she was scared to see or talk to anybody. For reasons Edherial couldn't explain she knew it was a male. The scary part was one day her child would be the heir to the throne of men.

She met Leo again in the moor and walked up to him slowly. " My love, how was your week?" Edherial looked at him scared to speak her mind, finally she did. "Leo, I-I'm with child"

His eyes widened and he slowly walked up to her and wrapped her in a living hug. "I'll be around always." Edherial looked down at the ground. "It's a Boy, an heir-" Leo kissed her head and rubbed her belly. "We will find a way to manage." "how?!" She asked terrified.

"I-I don't know. But I know we'll find a way."  Edherial nodded solemnly.

The couple fell more in love realizing they cared for each to other deeply.

The whole world of far earth were at peace but little did each magical branch know, another crown was being forged.

The Niaxes were Evil and spiteful creatures who followed what they called "CaypoH" A most powerful and dangerous Niaxe.

Atop the highest mountain of far earth ran a river of lava. CaypoH with his enslaved dwarfs used only the most powerful metals to make the 13th crown. This crown would be the most powerful, most envied, most dangerous, and most evil.

The forging of this crown took 5 years before it was ready. CaypoH command his Niaxe army to attack each and every magical race one by one. They went for the men first, for the main city of Allash. The king of Gondor summoned up an army to defeat the Niaxes, CaypoH went to the city and used his power to help lean the battle in his favor.

Leo was fighting along his father and grandfather. His grandfather (Arafor) ran to CahpoH and struck him with the sword or Gondor. CahpoH grabbed the sword of evil and sliced Arafor's head right off, Leo and his father (King Melbourn) watched in horror. The king of Gondor ran to CaypoH and started battling him seeking revenge.

Leo tried to help his father but was held back In combat with a Niaxe. King Melbourne fought bravely and was eventually pushed down to the ground. The fate of the whole magical world flashed in the eyes of everyone there. The king raised his sword and hit CaypoH's head shattering the sword but also causing the crown to fall off.

Without his crown, CaypoH crumbled into dust and his Niaxe army fled. King Melbourne raised his fist triumphant, when he saw the crown on the ground. He picked it up and On the side Melbourne breathed hot air onto it revealing words "cumhacht" Which in dark speech (the tongue of the Niaxes) translates to "power"

It possessed a power to make anyone not pure of heart become obsessed with it as soon as it even touched their fingertips. King Melbourne was no exception. He picked up the crown and placed it on his head. The crown belonging to the men was in a glass case at the Allash castle.

King Melbourne became corrupted by the crown and Leo was forced to watch his father turn more and more evil because of the crowns power. This was more noticeable to all of the magical branches especially the Elvish king who stared refusing to come near the king of Gondor.

One day Leo made a choice that would shift the fate of the magical world. He met Edherial in the moor again one day, went up to her, and planted a kiss on her lips. She knew something was different about him. "Is everything ok?" Leo looked at her and smiled. "I'm not the prince anymore, I ran away." Edherial looked startled. "Why?" She asked. "My father is being corrupted by the crown of CaypoH." He said. "My father said that crown was evil." She wispered. "I'm going to ask your father if I can have you as my bride." Edherial was scared but she grabbed Leo's hand and they rode off to Rîv€r€št.

They rode past all the green lands of far earth and arrived at a crevice in the Misty mountains. Inside the crack was a beautiful city with a waterfall and numerous beautiful plants growing in every area. Eherial dismounted the horse along with Leo and she lead him to the front entrance of Rîv€r€št.

The Elvish king Nindr was at the entrance waiting for Eherial. "My waterfall welcome home, I saw you in the moor." He said calmly. Every Elvish king has visions of the past or future. Edherial blushed and responded. "Father, this man Leo has words for you." King Nindr raised his eyebrows and looked towards Leo. "To the Elvish king from a humble man of Gondor, I would like to request something."

The king interrupted sharply. "You are no humble man, your a prince." Leo looked up and kept talking. "With all due respect, I would be there for my kingdom- but I will not be there if my father has been taken hold of by a crown. I told him my thoughts and he tried to attack his own son. That is not a place I could stay."

The king nodded his face impassive and Leo continued. "I wish to ask of you something unheard of, I met your daughter in the moors at Wøø¥øf£r€€ñ." Leo made sure to say this in Elvish tongue hoping to impress the king. "I fell in love with her instantly, and now I know what I need to do. My home is no longer in my corrupted kingdom of hate, but hopefully here with thee Elves." Leo finished.

King Nindr looked at Leo and smiled. "You wish to marry my daughter?" "If she would have me." He responded. The king looked at Edherial and she embraced Leo as they started kissing passionately. "What of your child?" He asked them.

They both looked surprised but Leo answered. "I am no longer prince, but if my father were to die I have no siblings. I won't take the title so the steward will take my place. He is a good man." King Nindr looked at Leo. "If the crown of men is left to stewards one day someone of your lineage will take the crown. Your line cannot die now you have a child who could take the throne of men..." Leo nodded.

The king smiled and looked at the two. "I give you both my blessing and permission."

They made preparations for the wedding to be in Rîv€r€št, themed around nature.

The wedding day arrived and all of the bride and grooms family were invited. King Melbourne didn't show up.

All the decorations Were green and flowering. They had fairy's bless the couple, as well as the pixies sprinkle magical dust everywhere that gave off a calming peaceful sent. Leo stood at the alter in a traditional Elvish groom wear. While Edherial walked up the isle wearing the most beautiful traditional Elvish white flowered wedding dress with king Nindr on her arm. The king kissed his daughters cheek before placing her hand in Leo's. After they said their vows the pastor pronounced them "Før€v€vr €ñtwîñ¥."

They kissed and all branches of magic invited, cheered. Leo's mother kissed his cheek and Eherials grandmother came up and pinched Leo's ear. (An Elvish sign of luck) "Take good care of my granddaughter!"

The after party started and while the good side of magic rejoiced at the wedding, the evil half was still planning.

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