[HC]: love language. ☻

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chris - quality time spent with one another allows for the creation of lasting memories to be made, which in turn, can strengthen the bond between partners. trauma can make the heart grow fonder, right? it makes sense as to why chris and jill have been platonic (😉) partners for so long... you're the ground that he needs to humble himself and someone he can come to when he needs a little guidance. he spends all his time and effort trying to keep others safe, but he doesn't know how it truly feels to be safe... not unless he's with you.

ethan - spending valuable time together with someone tends to communicate that they each have become a priority in their partner's life. this, obviously, should then make the person feel valued and cherished. in this case, the person in question is ethan. as you can probably guess, with mia having been gone for so long, ethan was unattended to regarding his needs in a relationship. not seeing her for so long drove him insane - literally into a depression. if you two were to ever get into a fight and you were to give him the silent treatment, it'd probably break him, to be honest... he values the time he has with you greatly, constantly reminded of yours and his own mortality so he can really appreciate it. is it truly that bad, that greedy, that he just wants to take his time with you for as long as he can?

JILL - spending quality time together fosters a deeper emotional connection. as a result of her work, she always keeps her feelings bottled up, so she tends to feel understood and appreciated when her partner actively engages in similar activities to hers. especially, when she's rarely seen outside of those said "activities"... she isn't able to put much thought into setting up time together, and quite frankly, she doesn't like to either; but, you already are aware of this before getting into a relationship with her. you could be eating out at either of your shared favorite restaurants or you could be eating in whilst watching a movie, as long as the two of you are together, then all is well.



claire - everyone loves compliments, but kind words that are directed towards claire, herself, and the actions she does make her certainly feel loved and appreciated. after what happened with terrasave, facing slander over a framing job done to the company, she has been faced with a lot of harsh criticism and hate for quite a long time. going home after a long day at work, hearing a simple: "wow, my girlfriend... looking as beautiful as ever - and as always! how has the day treated you, babe?" does wonders to her. also, in general, she's just a pretty girl who doesn't have to do much to catch the eyes of others; she's heard compliments all her life, and she enjoys the attention. that's it.

ETHAN - positive affirmations can boost a partner's self-esteem and can make them feel more confident in the relationship... when things were "good" between him and mia, at least in ethan's unknowing eyes, this wasn't a problem at all. it was only when mia's lies came afloat that ethan began to question the very grounds of his 10+ year relationship with her. as a result of countless traumas being sustained (in the course of his 6-year battle to get mia, and then rose, back), he wanted nothing more than a frequent reminder that his love is true and actually reciprocated. therefore, communication and honesty are both the most important to ethan.

jill - individuals like jill, who prefer words of affirmation, seek emotional validation and reassurance from their partner. even when it doesn't seem like she does, knowing full-well the tank that she is, it still doesn't hurt to hear it from someone else... specifically when it comes from the person she loves. sometimes chris indirectly undermines her, telling her to settle down for her health and her mental, but it would be a lie to say those comments don't get to her a lot of the time. she often takes those well-meaning comments to heart, thinking he's calling her weak, so hearing you admit the exact opposite helps build back up her sense of security in herself. knowing you love and care about every facet of her is enough for her to try... to try and stay alive, for your partnership.

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