Chapter 5

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"And with their crushing defeat at the Battle of Dragonsreach, the last of the Bav'hren Dominion's forces signed into record their surrender to the Val'hren kingdom, and as war reparations, ceded the entire Novillis Expanse to Yarvil Val'hren, more than doubling the early kingdom's territory, and ending the first of the Dominion Wars."

Farthill rubbed his eyelids. He had been reading nonstop since waking up this morning. He had no idea how long that had been, as the royal library was devoid of windows. Countless books had stacked up next to him, all to do with various fields of knowledge. Feeling he had exhausted his capacity for the Empire's history, he pushed his chair back to peruse a different section of the library for his next book.

While there were some fields he studied out of a sense of duty to the empire, there were others he studied out of pure curiosity. One of these was arcane legend and myth, being fascinated with them for their ability to circumvent common knowledge with immense power. It thrilled him beyond words, and yet it bore no practical use to the kingdom in most regards, as your most common magic was usually of the most use.

He found a new book among the shelf that he had almost picked clean again. Having spent much time here in the library, one would think Farthill would have exhausted it's collection countless times over. However, one of the wizards that went on to join the Council of a Thousand Mages had built it, enchanting it along with several other libraries around Avinor that he had built in order to create a constantly changing selection of books for all of them.

Farthill began reading in earnest, reading about the many magical artifacts the author of this tome had found and hidden throughout their travels. However, he stopped incredulously at the mention of a particular passage.

"Amazing!" Farthill quietly exclaimed. One of the artifacts that was found and hidden was right here in Val'Tencia. An extremely powerful artifact that had long since been discarded as a mere child's story tale device.

The Celestial Heart.

It was said to be able to shape the very fabric of the Aether Sea itself, being forged by the gods as a way for the people of Avinor to shape the early world. It's power was so great, that during a great war with a powerful sorcerer, the early council had broken it's power into 6 pieces, leaving the celestial heart merely a magical trinket. It was said one could restore the great gemstone to it's former power by visiting it's guardians in the corners of the Aether sea.

This author had found the drained Heart and had hidden it in the catacombs beneath the capital city hundreds of years ago. The city's defenses were thought to be enough during this time period to keep the Heart safe from anyone who would try and misuse its power.

Farthill desperately wanted to see it for his own eyes, if of course it was truly there. However, he knew he would never be allowed to visit the catacombs, as they were teeming with dangerous creatures that hid from the surface above. And he couldn't sneak his way down either, as the only entrance to the ancient catacombs after years of degradation was a small port on the underbelly of the island. He would need a ship and someone to captain it.

The thought then struck him instantly. Gervaise was studying to become a captain at the naval academy here in Val'Tencia! He would just have to convince him to take Farthill down to the entrance.

Farthill scrambled to the front desk of the library to begin writing a letter to his old friend.

Dear Gervaise,

I hope this letter finds you well. It has been too long since we last spoke, and I hope you can find time amidst your naval studies to join me for a meeting.

I have made a curious discovery—one that has piqued my interest and demands further investigation. I believe we could benefit from your naval expertise and knowledge in matters of strategy and logistics.

Meet me at the place we used to frequent during our childhood. The one beneath the willow tree, where we would share our dreams and aspirations. Tonight, at the stroke of midnight.

Yours in trust,


Sealing the letter with wax, he rushed out into the hallway and handed it to a trusted servant, instructing him to deliver it discreetly to Gervaise. He knew if Caleri caught wind of his machinations he would not be allowed to leave the palace any time soon.

As the servant slipped into the shadows, Farthill's mind raced with thoughts of the Celestial Heart. If the artifact indeed existed, its power could shape the destiny of Avinor itself. He felt both excitement and trepidation, knowing that knowledge of such an artifact could both be a blessing and a terrible danger upon him and his family.

Throughout the day, he maintained an air of secrecy around Caleri, not revealing the true purpose of his midnight rendezvous. Their relationship had been strained since their parents' passing, and he wanted to protect her from unnecessary worry until he had more concrete answers.

As the time drew near, Farthill stole a glance out of his window. The moon hung high, casting its silvery light over the palace grounds. It was time to meet Gervaise again.

With a determined breath, Farthill made his way through the palace's labyrinthine corridors, his footsteps silent as he sought the refuge of the willow tree. The night air was crisp, and the scent of blooming flowers filled his senses.

Gervaise appeared from the shadows, and as Farthill greeted him, he felt a flutter of uncertainty in his chest. Their once easy camaraderie had been disrupted by years of distance and separate pursuits.

"I have discovered something remarkable," Farthill began, his voice wavering slightly. "A tale of an ancient artifact—the Celestial Heart. I believe it rests somewhere within Val'Tencia."

Gervaise's eyes widened with intrigue, but there was a hint of awkwardness in their exchange. "The Celestial Heart? Isn't that just the crux of some heroic fairy tale?"

Farthill nodded. "That's what I thought too, but the tomes I've perused speak of it as a real and powerful artifact. I feel compelled to find it, to understand its significance."

"Well, you didn't need to dig up some dusty artifact in order to see each other," Gervaise said jokingly, a warm grin growing on his face. "Alright, I'm with you friend."

With Gervaise's smile, Farthill couldn't shake the feeling that their meeting marked not just the beginning of a grand adventure but also an opportunity to bridge the divide that had grown between them these last few years.

"Unfortunately, I don't have a ship to take you," Gervaise remarked, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Even as a naval academy student, I don't have direct access to any ships in my free time."

Farthill pondered for a moment before an idea struck him. "The royal ship at the docks! It's often unused during the night, and we could use it to reach the catacombs secretly."

Gervaise raised an eyebrow, impressed by the notion. "That's bold, but also risky. We can't simply 'borrow' the royal ship without anyone noticing."

Farthill nodded, agreeing with the caution. "You're right. We'll need a diversion to keep the palace guards occupied while we make our way to the docks."

"And we can't forget that even if we reach the catacombs, we might face dangerous obstacles," Gervaise cautioned. "We should gather information about what lies beneath the city before we venture in blindly."

Farthill smiled, appreciating Gervaise's pragmatism. "You're the voice of reason, my friend. We'll need a plan before we act. Let's reconvene here tomorrow night. By then, I'll have a detailed map of the catacombs, and we can figure out how to approach this together."

Gervaise's eyes gleamed with excitement, feeling the thrill of adventure in his veins. "Tomorrow night it is then."

As they parted ways, Farthill couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Their awkwardness had melted away in the excitement of their shared quest. Their friendship might have weathered the storms of time, but he had a feeling that uncovering the secrets of the Celestial Heart would bring them even closer. And with that thought, Farthill allowed himself to embrace the unknown, eager to face the challenges that lay ahead.

(Author's Note: I rewrote the beginning of this chapter for more context in the world. If you like the chapters so far, please leave a comment and a Vote if you are feeling generous. Thank you!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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