Chapter 4

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Farthill Val'hren stood on the balcony of his lavish study, the breeze carrying the scent of ocean air as it gently ruffled his tousled dark hair. His emerald eyes scanned the sprawling Val'hren estate, his childhood home and the heart of the Val'hren Empire. Today, however, his serene surroundings felt overshadowed by a sense of restlessness.

"Master Farthill," a servant's voice called from the doorway, interrupting his contemplation. "Princess Caleri has requested your presence in the capital city today. She insists you take a day to rest from your studies and duties."

A faint smile crossed Farthill's lips as he turned to the servant. "Very well. Let her know I'll join her shortly."

The Val'hren estate's library had become Farthill's refuge since the passing of their parents six years ago. He found solace within its shelves, seeking knowledge to distract himself from the lingering pain. But now, he understood that his sister's concern was not unfounded; he had thrown himself into his studies, hoping to bury his emotions beneath the weight of responsibilities.

Descending the grand staircase, Farthill exchanged nods with the familiar staff who had served their family for generations. They offered warm smiles, but he sensed the somber atmosphere that still permeated the palace—a constant reminder of their parents' absence.

In the courtyard, he was met by his younger sister, Princess Caleri. Her presence always struck him with a mix of admiration and guilt, for she too had embraced the weight of their legacy.

"Farthill," Caleri greeted, her expression carefully composed. "I'm glad you agreed to come to the capital today."

"I could hardly resist your request," Farthill replied, offering a half-hearted smile.

The two siblings set out for the capital city, traveling in a luxurious carriage adorned with the Val'hren emblem. Farthill observed the passing landscape, but his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of their parents—thoughts he rarely shared with Caleri, or anyone else for that matter.

Arriving in the capital, they strolled through bustling streets, the air filled with chatter and laughter. Vendors hawked their wares, and entertainers captivated the crowd. It was a city filled with life, a stark contrast to the somber atmosphere that clung to the palace.

"Farthill, you've been immersing yourself in studies and responsibilities," Caleri began gently. "But you mustn't lose yourself in them. Our family's legacy is strong, but it doesn't have to be your sole burden."

Farthill's eyes met hers, guarded and distant. "I know, Caleri. It's just... It's hard to face everything. Sometimes, I feel like retreating back to my study is the only way to escape the pain."

"I understand," Caleri said softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "But you don't have to face it all alone. We're in this together, Farthill. Lean on me, on our family. We can share the weight."

Farthill felt a pang of guilt, knowing he had kept so much locked away from her, but he couldn't bring himself to open up fully. "Thank you, Caleri. I'll try to let you in more."

As they continued their day in the capital, they exchanged polite conversation, but the divide between them seemed insurmountable. They spoke of mundane topics, avoiding the painful memories that lurked beneath the surface. The air of melancholy still hung around them, and it seemed to echo the emptiness between them.

In the heart of the capital, with his sister at his side, Farthill found himself yearning for a closer connection, a shared understanding of their grief. But the weight of their responsibilities and the pain of their loss kept them locked in their separate worlds, unable to bridge the gap that had formed between them. Though they both bore the same tragedy, their paths diverged, leaving them adrift in a sea of melancholy, longing for a connection that remained elusive.

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