Chapter 3- Potential

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You woke up the next morning, and got ready for work.  You made yourself some breakfast before doing the necessities. Once you get finished, you put on your uniform.

(Here's a few examples, but you can wear whatever you'd like!!!)

(Here's a few examples, but you can wear whatever you'd like!!!)

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You did your hair, and started driving to work

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You did your hair, and started driving to work. This time, you weren't late. You parked in the parking lot, and now you had to walk through a small village between you and the building. As you walked, you could hear the talking of a few people. You felt someone lightly tap on your shoulder, and as you turned around, you were met with those red eyes once more. You could feel your heart racing, it felt like it was about to jump out of your chest. You didn't know what to say, all you could do was kind of stare.

"Good morning, y/n." He broke the awkward tension, which was nice. He was staring right at your e/c eyes. You see him turn away, but you thought you saw a bit of blush on his face. "Oh, good morning, boss." You smiled at him, not really sure what his name was. "Please, call me Blade." His voice was soothing, in a way. It makes you feel butterflies in your stomach, a feeling you haven't felt in a while. Both of you talk as you walk to the building, you couldn't help but glance over at his eyes. They were the most amazing things you'd ever seen. He holds the door open for you when you walk in, and you give him a smile. You feel a bit of blush creep up on your face, but you quickly calm yourself down.

"Please, follow me to my office. I'd like to continue this conversation." That made you wonder. 'Why does he like talking to me? He seemed so cold just yesterday...'  You dismissed the thought. He was probably just trying to be nice, right? There was nothing wrong with him continuing the conversation, he's just trying to get to know you. Both of you continue to speak. You sit on the other side of his desk, in a chair. You pull your computer out. "You don't mind if I do some work, do you?" He looks up from his computer screen. "No, not at all. As long as you don't ignore me, that is." You laugh a little bit, and when you open your eyes, you can see him staring at you. He looked like he was staring at the person of his dreams. "Blade, is everything alright?"  You ask. He snaps out of it. "Yes, my apologies. I got lost in my thoughts." You smile and nod. You are enjoying his company. It's usually quiet in your office, so this was a nice change.

"And then he tried to tell me he loved me!" You were talking about your ex-boyfriend, Micheal. You get Blade to chuckle. You couldn't help but feel blush creeping up on your face. 'That laugh...' You think to yourself. You snap out of it, and laugh alongside him. Your relationship was growing closer and closer. You both continue to speak, and it's one of the best conversations you've had in a while. It's usually just you and Natasha, but having Blade around, it feels different. You love Natasha, but being with Blade feels... right. It feels like you've finally found someone that understands you. Natasha will still always be your best friend, and nothing could change that.

"God, some men can be idiots." He finally says. It looks like you were starting to see his true colors. He was quite the charm, and you couldn't help but glance up at those red eyes. "Yeah, but you're different... aren't you? You don't seem to be like most men." You hoped he wouldn't take that the wrong way. You didn't want him to take that the wrong way. "Although I can be a bit cold, I'm not that bad. You seem like a good person, y/n. Nobody has ever made me laugh like you do." Those words meant absolutely everything to you. You smiled so much, it could light the entire world up. Blade slightly smiled back, and it made your heart start beating faster. You loved that smile, the smile that won you over. You knew you had feelings for Blade, and you couldn't hide it much longer. "Could I... get your number..." You were a bit shy, and your voice was a bit quiet. Blade could tell you were nervous.

"Of course you can, y/n." He writes his number on a piece of paper, and hands it to you. It had 'Call me' on the side. You smiled, and felt your heart beating faster than before. Blush started to creep back onto your face. You could tell this was probably the best decision of your life. You mostly spoke to him while you talked. The occasional laugh from you both only made your heart feel like it was about to jump out of your chest. You got a lot more work done, which was surprising. You guessed it was the fact you were talking to Blade, he was a great guy to be around. Of course, you still had to glance up at his eyes. Those eyes will always be your favorite thing about him, they were just beautiful. If you died right here, right now, you'd die happy. You'd die getting to stare at those eyes. You were falling in love with him, that was for sure.

This relationship has Potential.



Btw, 1019 words!

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