Happy Looks Good on You

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Nitro1991- Sometimes I like the solitude. Sometimes... not so much.

Camposing1- I get that. I know you said you aren't married, but is there anybody else in your life romantically?

Tch. Funny.

Nitro1991- Not at all. Nothing ever lasts. When people get close to me, I feel suffocated. I don't like people knowing the real me, who I really am. I've spent years building this reputation. It's terrifying to let someone know that it isn't exactly true. I also don't like the fact that someone can come in and fuck up my entire life.

Camposing1- Is that why you downloaded the app? To let down your walls and let someone know the real you?

Nitro1991- Something like that. I'm not that great of a person once you get to know me.

Chibi jumped onto the couch and plopped down next to me. I absentmindedly set my left hand on his head while waiting for Camposing to reply.

Shit, did I scare him off already? We have been talking for a while. It was bound to happen eventually.

He replied.

Camposing1- I am getting to know you. So far, I think you're a pretty great guy.

My heart raced in my chest. I could feel my cheeks grow warmer. Did I seriously just get flustered because of a stranger on the fucking internet? I guess there's a first time for everything.

I never thought I would say this, but Shitty Hair was right. Downloading this app was a good idea. I never thought I could open up like this, but it's been nice.

Nitro1991- You know what the best part about this is? When you say stuff like that, you probably mean it. A lot of people tell me a lot of things, but I never know if they're being real with me or not. Your friends and family aren't always honest.

Camposing1- Everything I tell you is honest. I have no reason to hide anything or lie to you. I know I don't know you all that well yet, but I want to. I want to know more about you and the things you enjoy.

Nitro1991- I promise, I'm not all that interesting.

I'm a walking ball of rage. That's all the personality I have. Well, all the personality I let people see, anyway.

Camposing1- I don't know... I think you're the most interesting part of my life right now.

Nitro1991- What about your son and soon-to-be ex-wife?

Camposing1- I mean, it's not the same kind of interesting. The time with my son is amazing, and the time with his mother is not. Either way, it's not the same kind of interesting. Also, ex-wife. We signed the papers today.

Nitro1991- How's it feel to be divorced?

Although they're divorced, they still have to talk all the time. They have a son. If she continues to be shitty to him, I doubt he'll feel like anything has changed.

Camposing1- I feel like I just got out of prison, but I'm on house arrest. I can watch everyone do what they want, but I can't, even though I'm considered free at this point. I'm quietly watching her get away with everything.

Ouch. That sounded fucking rough.

Nitro1991- Do you ever think she'll let you tell the people in your life what's happening? That you're separating, or that you're gay?

Camposing1- Probably not. I've got about fourteen and a half years before I can do any of that.

So his son is three and a half? Why are all the kids I know around three or four?

Nitro1991- Have you thought about fighting for custody?

Camposing1- They usually side with the mother. I don't know if that's a bet I am willing to make. I don't think I could handle only seeing him every other weekend. That's four days a month.

Nitro1991- I'm saying you should, but I would save everything she sends you. Texts, emails, anything. If she is going to be a bitch to you, try to get her to text it to you. Again, I'm not saying you should, but you should save this stuff just in case.

She could still turn around and try to fight him for custody. He needs to prepare himself. He talks so highly of his son and how much he loves him. I don't know what he would do if he lost him.

Camposing1- I will. Thank you. Listen, I have to go for now. I have plans in a bit, and I need to get ready. I can message you again when I get home if that's okay.

Nitro1991- You don't have to ask to talk to me. Just message me.

Camposing1- Well, I just wanted to make sure. I didn't want to assume.

Tch, it's kinda cute when he is unsure like that.

Nitro1991- Go ahead, assume away, and I hope the rest of your day is good. I'll talk to you later.

Camposing1- Thanks. I hope yours is good as well. Later 😁

He makes me smile with those damn emojis he likes to use. "Well, Chibi, it's just you and me." I felt light as I walked to the kitchen to get something to drink. I put the glass to my mouth as my doorbell went wild. There is only one idiot that rings it like that. Shit, is it that late already? The last time I looked at the clock, it was only three thirty.

I opened the door to find my idiots standing there, the entire 'squad' as they like to call themselves. Dunce still had his finger on the doorbell. "Stop it, Dumb Ass!" They all looked at me and put on an innocent smile. Damn, it reminded me of that emoji Camposing sent me, and a smile overtook my face without permission.

Shitty Hair grabbed my shoulder as they all piled in my house. I smiled at him as everyone took off their shoes as they stepped through the door. I felt my personal space was under invasion, but I wouldn't let it ruin my mood. I felt happy, something that doesn't happen often. Pinky turned to face me. "Bakubabe, you have to start getting ready." She grabbed me by the hand and started dragging me upstairs.

She stopped outside my bedroom and opened the door. "Oi, Pinky, you are not going in my room. I can get dressed on my own. Now go." I pointed at the stairs. She pouted and took deliberately slow steps. I sighed. "Hey, you can wait here and see it first. I promise you will love it." I smirked before giving her a smile. She squealed as she took her place outside my door.

I took a shower earlier, so now all I had to do was get dressed. I pulled out my black dress pants, matching jacket from the closet, and a forest green button-up dress shirt. After putting everything on, I finished the look with a black tie and belt. Grabbing my shoes and socks, I stepped out of my room. I turned so she could take a good look, smiling at her. "You are so right. I love it, I don't know what is going on, but I know I haven't seen you smile this much, ever. Wow, Bakubabe. You happy or something?" We headed down to find the other extras playing a movie. It didn't take me that long.

Seriously, guys, I chuckled at them as I entered the room. I can't seem to get this ridiculous smile off my face. I sat down just long enough to put on my shoes and socks. Standing once again, I grinned at them all like an idiot. "Alright, Squad, let's get this show on the road."

Everyone stood except Dunce. He jumped up and yelled. "He said, squad. I knew you liked it too."

"Man, Bakubro, you are in an extra good mood. You have been smiling since we got here. Happy looks good on you, man." Shitty Hair said as he threw his arm around my neck, and for some reason, I did the same in return.

We headed out the door as Tape Face added. "You sure you didn't smoke something?" Shaking my head at him, I just laughed.

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