Getting to Know You

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"Mommy, I done," Daiki said happily while pushing his plate away from him. "Cake?"

"Finish your vegetables," Itsuka pushed his plate back to him. He pushed his lower lip out and pouted.

He turned to me. "Daddy, cake."

"You heard Mom. Finish your vegetables." A tear slipped down his face. He started sobbing loudly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as the people at the table behind me sighed heavily at the sound of Daiki getting ready to throw a fit. "Hey bud, remember what we were saying about your feelings? You're allowed to feel whatever you're feeling, but you don't need to make everyone else feel them too. If you want to cry because you have to finish your food before you get cake, then you do that. But you will do it quietly without making everyone else feel what you're feeling."

Tears continued falling down his face, but he was silently munching on the remainder of his carrots. Itsuka raised an eyebrow at me. "When you said you wanted to gentle parent him, I never thought it would work."

"Explaining emotions and thought processes to kids helps them grow and understand their feelings when they get older. It also shows them how they need to be treated." There are a lot of benefits to gentle parenting. I did a lot of research when Itsuka was pregnant and wanted to give it a try. At the age of three, Daiki already understands a lot more than other toddlers. He's crushing the terrible threes. He doesn't throw fits too often, but we can usually talk him down when he does.

Itsuka and I continued our conversation while he ate his vegetables. "What time are we getting together Saturday?" she asked.

"I can pick you up around seven. My mom said she could keep Daiki overnight." The last thing I want to do is go to the hero appreciation party with her, but she keeps insisting. That and she keeps blackmailing me with the custody of Daiki. "What are you wearing?" If we didn't match like we usually do, or everyone else, we're practically telling the world we didn't get ready together.

Our server appeared next to me before she could reply. "Can I get you guys any dessert?"

I glanced down at Daiki's plate. This time, it was empty. "Do you want cake, a brownie, or ice cream?"

"Cake," he said with a wide smile.

I turned to the waiter with a smile. "Can I get a slice of chocolate cake, a chocolate fudge sundae, and a strawberry fudge sundae?"

"Certainly. I'll have that out for you as soon as possible." He quickly walked away.

"I'm going shopping for a new dress for the event. I'll pick you up a matching tie. Just plan on wearing your black suit."

"Who I go home with?" Daiki asked quietly. We never officially told him it was a hush-hush subject, but he's good at picking up context clues.

"You're coming home with Daddy," I smiled. I finally got the rest of the furniture and decorations in for his room, and I can't wait to show him. "I figured we could build a fort in the living room and watch movies."

He smiled widely before bouncing in the booster seat. "I missed you, bud."

"I miss Daddy too," he frowned. Itsuka was supposed to keep him for one week, but it had been almost a week and a half.

"Daddy will be sure to remember the feeling of missing you," she seethed. "Just in case he decides to pull something funny."

I looked at her with wide eyes. Did she keep him from me so I knew she was serious about threatening to sue me for full custody? She wanted me to know what never seeing my son would feel like.

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