Getting to Know You

Start from the beginning

We ate our dessert in silence before I loaded Daiki into his car seat.

The entire drive home, my son talked about what he did with his mom over the last week and a half while I wiped the stray tears falling down my face.


In minutes, he wore himself out. We built a blanket fort and played with his hero action figures. He was Red Riot, and Kacchan, while I got to be Todoroki and myself. I chuckled at the thought; then we watched a movie. He fell asleep halfway in, but I wasn't ready to move him. I just got him back after a week and a half. Realizing his mom kept him from me to show me not to take her lightly really hit me hard. I feel like I got to really know her for the first time tonight.

I was in no hurry to move. I sat there and ran my hand through his hair as the movie continued to play. My phone lit up, and I grabbed it from the side table. I smiled as I looked at the screen.

Nitro1991- Hey, you still up?

My fingers couldn't move fast enough across my phone's screen as I typed my reply.

Camopsing1- Yes, I am still up.

Nitro1991- Like always, how was your day?

I decided to lie a little. I didn't want to talk about Itsuka and what I realized at dinner or that she was forcing me to appear with her publicly. Besides, I would probably just start crying again. I will focus on the good part. I got to have my son with me, which made the rest worth it.

Camposing1- My day has been pretty good.😁 What about yours?

His reply came quickly.

Nitro1991- I can't complain. It hasn't been too bad. Work was actually fun today. That hasn't happened in a long time.

Camposing1- That's great. I'm glad to hear it. 😊

I don't know cause he has never said, but I hope he doesn't mind the emojis.

Nitro1991- So, we have talked a few times but don't know much about each other.

For whatever reason, I got a little nervous. I hope he doesn't ask me about my job. I don't know what I would say.

Camposing1- What do you want to know?

I was a bundle of nerves as I waited with anticipation.

Nitro1991- You know, like the little stuff. What is your favorite color? Mine is green and black. You can never go wrong with black.

I breathed a sigh of relief. He wants to get to know me, not try to uncover my identity. I closed my eyes and thought about my favorite color. I used to always say green because it reminded me so much of Daiki. However, that's not the color that fills my mind anymore. When I think of my favorite color now, I only see ruby eyes staring back at me—the most beautiful shade of red in existence.

Camposing1- Nice, I like those too, but my favorite color is red.

I like this change of pace in our chat. I need it to get my mind off things for a while.

Nitro1991- Favorite food? Do you cook?

Camposing1- You are asking the tough questions.. lol. No, really, my favorite food is Katsudon. It's the best🥳 I would love to learn how to make it. No, I can't cook to save my life unless you count stuff in the microwave. You know, popcorn, pastries, things like that. Can you cook?

I wonder if he can cook. I get the feeling he can do anything and do it perfectly.

Nitro1991- Well, you sound like a mess in the kitchen, lol. My favorite food is anything spicy. Curry is one of the best, though. Yes, I can cook almost anything. Katsudon, that's not hard. Maybe I can teach you one day.

Camposing1- I think I would like that. Are you a neat freak or a little messy? 🤔

Nitro1991- Oh, we're getting personal, huh? I would definitely say a neat freak. Everything must have a place. What about you?

I chuckled as I read his response, I am not a neat freak, but I like to be tidy. I am not crazy about messes. Sometimes, it's hard not to lose my mind when a three-year-old is like a mini tornado.

Camposing1- I am pretty neat. How would your friends describe you?

Nitro1991- That means you're a little messy. My friends would say I am loud and abrasive. Yup, loud and abrasive, that is exactly what they would say. What about you? What would your friends say?

I couldn't help the laugh that slipped past my lips.

Camposing1- Yeah, just a little messy sometimes, but mostly neat. Loud and abrasive, I know someone like that, but don't we all? My friends would say I am kind and self-sacrificing. Even though I don't see that last part.

I want to keep this up all night, but I know we can't. I was having a good time chatting with him.

Nitro1991- Back to food, what is your favorite foreign food?

Camopsing1- Are you trying to make me hungry? My favorite foreign food, I would have to say Pizza. I love a good pizza.

Nitro1991- Pizza, nice, but I would have to disagree, tacos. I love some good tacos. What kitchen appliance do you use every day? I use most of them every day, but I would say I use the stove the most.

I can't believe I forgot about tacos.

Camposing1- Tacos are good, but I still say pizza. I hardly ever use the stove. I have to say I use the coffee maker the most, then the microwave. What three things do you think most of each day?

I hope he doesn't say sex. That would make things awkward.

Nitro1991- Wow, that's a little deep. Well, there are no surprises here. Work, my dog, and chatting with you.

Camposing1- Sorry, was that too much? Anyway, mine is my son, my mom, and my friends, including you. 😊

Nitro1991- No, it was perfect. I think I have learned a lot about you tonight, and I like what I'm learning.

I couldn't help the smile as I looked at Daiki sleeping on me still. I thought about putting him to bed a few times.

Camposing1- Me too.

Nitro1991- I hate to say it, but I need to go to bed. I have work early tomorrow.

Camposing1- I understand. I need to get to sleep as well. It was nice talking to you. I really enjoy it. 😁

Nitro1991- Me too, good night.

Camposing1- Good night

I put my phone down and looked at my son. If I had to play pretend with his mother and keep her happy so I could have time like this with him, then so be it. He needs to be put to bed, but I can't bring myself to move him yet. I just want to cuddle with him. Kids grow so fast. He won't stay this little forever. After not having him for a week and a half, I can't imagine going any longer without him. This was the moment I realized I would do whatever she wanted. We stayed cuddled up on the couch for another hour before I got up and took him to my bed, just for the night. I just can't bring myself to let go right now.

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