Flames Of Longing

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I couldn't tear my eyes away from him, noticing how his breathing grew heavier from the heat. We had been sitting here for 15 minutes, and my heart raced with each passing second. The sauna's heat was almost too much to bear, and part of me wanted to leave. But David looked so fucking delicious, I couldn't resist staying. He stretched his arms, and I found myself drooling over the sight of his muscles. The intensity of the heat consumed my entire body, making it unbearable. Still, I managed to muster the courage to say: "I can see someone's been hitting the gym…"

He grinned and replied, "That's right. Do you like my muscles, darling?" I had to gasp for air, trying to suppress the urge to shout: "I WANT YOU, DAVID." I couldn't hide that I was attracted to him, and my face immediately turned into a tomato. In a whispered voice, I found myself muttering, "God, I love them." I suspected he overheard me because he responded in his deep voice, "You're one sexy woman."

I bit in my lip from the pleasure my stomach caused. I changed my position to get closer to David. With a hint of mischief, I "accidentally" brushed my arm against his. His skin felt wet and warm, and he was simply too hot to handle. Attempting to hide my smile, I managed to say: "And you're one sexy man, David..."

Affair with David Bowie in the SaunaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang