Meeting David

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The day when I was supposed to meet David arrived, and I was searching for the best bikini I had, I wanted to look beautiful for him. I also packed a towel in my bag since he had mentioned we would need it for the sauna. Fully prepared, I set out to meet my friend, parking my car next to his house. From the window, I saw him waiting for me, and we exchanged waves to greet each other. Stepping out of the car, David approached to show me around his place. Although there was a pool, he mentioned that we wouldn't go swimming as the water was too cold, after all, it was barely spring. He then kindly asked me: "Are you ready to try the sauna?" to which I replied: "Sure, I'll just take my towel and swimsuit."

We entered a room just before the sauna, and I looked at David, feeling a bit shy, and asked: "Where can I change my clothes?" He responded: "Oh, there's a bathroom, go there. I'll change here." I noticed the bathroom door and headed inside. Thankfully, there was a mirror, allowing me to make sure my black bikini looked great on me. Feeling confident, I was ready to join David in the sauna. When I entered, I found him already there, wearing only his pants.

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