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After I got off the phone with Mila I went to talk to my mom more about Charles and if she possibly heard us before dad and Phillipe get back.

"Hey. Quick question." I said to her as I approached the living room couch she was laying down on. "Yes I heard you guys screaming." She said abruptly. I stopped in my tracks and just looked at her with wide eyes and in fear of her hating him again. "You gotta talk to Charles and your sister quieter." She just started to laugh a little. She seemed relaxed about it thankfully. "Oh. Well," I said trying to catch my breath from the anxiety starting to creep up on me. "I have a lot to tell you." I felt the need to confess all the times Charles and I hung out, when she called and I was with him, the Lando situation, everything. I couldn't hold it in much longer especially now that she is somewhat catching on.

"First off, Fuck Lando. Honestly I can't be mad or sad or anything that you've been hiding all of this because I see how Charles has changed and how he's trying much harder with Dad and to gain his trust back. I see how he looks at you when he spots you, how he talks to Dad and Phillipe. Occasionally he'd ask if you were working at the track or home, attending a meeting, things like that. I hid that from you so I guess we're even. I've overheard him talking about you every now and then with Carlos about wanting to be back with you and how much he regrets everything." She sat upright on the couch and faced me to continue. "I never showed that I missed him or saw these changes just to see how hard he would "fight back" if that makes sense and I'm genuinely surprised. He seems to not want to give up-"

"He never will. Trust me. He's determined to get Dads approval back." I interrupted. She nodded and fiddled with her fingers. I looked down and shed a tear but tried to hide it, "Please talk to Dad. I'm sick of hiding it. Charles is sick of hiding it but is so determined. I've forgiven him, Dads the only one left at this point but we just want us to not have to be a secret anymore."

"I understand. You know, your dad had to fight for jidos [grandpa in Arabic] approval so he know's what it's like. You're just his first daughter and he is Charles team manager and also the heart issue that happened after it all happened so that's the only reason he's holding a grudge for so long but I promise I'll talk to him sweetheart. For now, if dad and Phillipe aren't around, he's more than welcome to hang out. Even if I'm around." That's when we heard the door unlocked. It was my dad and Phillipe. They gave me a glare which made my heart race as they walked in. "I'm gonna go work on some stuff for promo." I mumbled before quickly running to my room. I had a feeling they heard as well.

I locked the door quietly and texted Charles the entire conversation my mom and I had.

Hey honey. Umm mom forgives you? We just had a huge talk. She heard us fighting which I'm surprised didn't piss her off BUT...she confessed to see all the changes you've made, how you've been trying to gain their approval and trust back. All of it. SHES SEEING IT! This is good!!!


wait... she's not upset?!

What's going on?! Sorry I don't mean to spam but she's ok with us?! All that's left is your dad and phillipe?!

She's talking to Dad. I think he heard us too and isn't happy but mom being mom, she can calm him down and make him levelheaded. But really Dad is all that's left. Phillipe is my brother and I love him but my parents are more important in this situation. He can suck it up.

YES! YES! I mean I can't get to excited yet but oh my god mon Cherie! This is so good I love you! I'll see you tonight?!

Yes you will haha I'll meet you at the party.

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