Death is an old buddy

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I look around
Black is the new color
My grandchildren have gotten taller
I smile and wave
But they don't wave back
My smile cracks
Everyone is weeping
A man is public speaking
He chokes on his words
He puts down his cards
And cries
Someone speaks and says, "He was wise"
The people all agree
"His spirit was free"
Why are they talking like I am gone?
I am living on
"Goodbye grandpa"
My son-in-law says
"I love you"
"It's hard to get through without you"
I am not dead?
I am not on my deathbed?
Someone taps on my shoulder
"You've gotten older"
"It's time to go old man"
He began
He takes my hand
And leads me to a bright light
What a pretty sight
But then I realize
This is my funeral
And death is an old buddy

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