leonaqueen so that's where all the food went
georgeclarkeey it was quite scrumdiddlyumptious
leonaqueen dude i love that word
georgeclarkeey no way me too
userb guys . . . hear me out

stephen_tries @eviebradshaw my gf is in love with you now
eviebradshaw i love @zoe.laufer too
zoe.laufer wow way to out me stephen (he's not wrong)

✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

"PLEASE," ARTHUR MUTTERED as he spoke into the phone held beside his ear, his feet weaving himself in and out of people's way down the busy London centre. Evelyn sighed.

"Okay, okay," she smiled while pushing herself away from her couch. "I'll meet you at the station in thirty."

"Perfect. See you there," the brunette grinned before hanging up the phone.

Arthur was on his way to the city train station, football bag swinging over his shoulder. Theo Baker had planned a football match between England and Scotland, filled with a variety of youtubers and lesser-known creators who wanted to participate, including Arthur Frederick. Initially, it'd been set to play on the fourteenth of July, but due to a clash with calendars, Baker decided it was best to move it to a time where everyone was free. That day just so happened to be the twenty-fourth of October. That day was today.

His first thought had been Evelyn as he packed his bag quickly in the early hours of the morning. The game had fled his mind between July and the beginning of October, the only thing reminding him of the friendly match being the alarm blaring on his phone. He'd only had to read Theo's name before remembering what he had to do. 

As he'd been speed-walking to the station, her blonde hair and ever-lasting smile had popped up within his scattered brain. So, he did what he'd found himself doing quite frequently: asking her to watch. She couldn't have been happier when the call went through.

She grabbed a tote bag hanging from her wall and stuffed a spare jumper, a charger, an emergency bag, a book (incase she got bored, since Evelyn herself never found football interesting, more so the people who were playing, especially if they were attractive), and some perfume. Quickly afterward, she locked her apartment and almost jogged the short journey towards the train station.

✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

eviebradshaw updated their instagram story

eviebradshaw updated their instagram story

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✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

EVERYONE WAS AT the football field in Gatwick. Even though Evelyn didn't watch youtube, she could name at least three quarters of the influencers lining up to walk into the change rooms. Because they weren't set to film for another ten minutes, other people had been allowed inside, such as the crew members, guests invited by some of the players, and Evelyn. To her surprise, most people in the room knew her too.

"Oh, it's Evelyn!" Chris grinned as he stood up from the bench he'd been sitting on. The people around him looked up, watching the blonde turn towards him like a deer caught in headlights. She blinked away her surprise, because sitting on that bench was Harry Lewis and Simon Minter. "Evelyn, this is Simon and Harry."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," the woman smiled as she walked the few steps over, awkwardly raising her hand in a half-wave. The two sitting on the bench and fiddling with their socks nodded back.

"Nice to finally meet you too, I've heard your name at least ten times since I've got here," Harry laughed quietly before reaching down to find his shoe that'd slid beneath the seat.

"What? Really?" Evelyn asked. Her brows scrunched up in confusion.

"Yeah, man. I know you're not a youtuber but you've featured in so many videos that people just think you are. I can guarantee most people in this room know you, or know of you," Simon added as he stretched his socks up to his knees. Evelyn raised her brows.

"Wow, I didn't even realise," she mumbled as she subtly looked around the room.

"Are you playing today?" Harry asked as he tied his laces. Simon and Chris looked at him with raised brows.

"What? You know who's playing, bog," Simon said with a soft laugh. Chris laughed along with him as he knocked the man across his head.

"Yeah, you bloody idiot!"

"No, Harry, I'm not. Just watching," Evelyn smiled, before a hand landed on her shoulder, making her jump and widen her eyes in an instant.

"Evelyn! I've been looking for you!" An unfamiliar voice said. The blonde turned around as the hand left her shoulder, instead being held out in front of her waiting for a shake. "I'm Josh, or Chip, or Don Crimes. Whatever really."

"Nice to meet you . . . Arthur's talked about you before actually," Evelyn said brightly, recounting the numerous times she'd heard the reference to a man named Chip.

"Ah, yes, your boyfriend," the man nodded as they retracted hands. Chris laughed in the back as he tuned into their conversation. Evelyn held back a laugh, instead merely smiling with a shake of her head. "Speaking of the devil . . . Arthur! My friend! How are you?"

Evelyn turned around to see Arthur walking over with narrowed eyes. "What'd he say to you?" He asked the blonde as he came to a stop beside her. Evelyn looked between the two for a second, eyes stopping midway at Chris who shook his head. She smiled.

"Didn't say a word," she smiled before patting both Chip and Arthur's shoulders. "Good luck, I'll be watching."

Then the blonde left, with one man watching her disappearing figure. Chip and Chris both had to pull Arthur out of it.

"Snap out of it, buddy! We've got a game to win," Chip teased. "Come on."

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