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"she's a very promising student. we would love to have her skip the ninth grade and go straight to tenth." diana naya kumar sat in the middle of her parents in front of the principle of chesterbrook high school.

"we expect nothing less from our little prodigy." tenzin kumar put an arm around his 13 year old daughter. naya kumar smiled with pride. "it would be an honor, principle williams. where do we register?" the middle aged man in front of them pulled out a stack of papers for her parents to go through. "here you go, ma'am." he turned his focus towards the dark headed teenager. "i'm sure you're very ambitious with grades like these. what are your plans for college?" she sat up straighter. "i wanna go to princeton and major in aerospace engineering."

"i'm sure you'll have no trouble getting there. would you like to work for NASA?" he asks. "that's the plan." diana nods. her mother nudges her slightly. "where are you manners, dia? it's yes sir." principle williams chuckles. "she's fine. we're honored to have you with us, diana." he stands up and offers her his hand to shake it. diana reluctantly does so.


"dia i mean this in the best way possible, but you better have a 4.0 after leaving us this year to skip a grade." one of diana's best friends, taylor, laughs. "yea let's see that report card." belly, her other best friend laughs. diana tears open the envelope in her hands.

her, belly, and taylor have had a tradition since the 3rd grade to open their report cards together. mostly for belly and taylor to laugh about how their grades could be better. she unfolds the piece of white cardstock after discarding the envelope.

the numbers 99, 97, and 98 stare up at her. "uhm i have three 99's, two 98's, and a 97." taylor laughs and lightly punches her in the arm. "that's our girl!" belly smiles. "wish i could relate. what's your ranking?" diana looks back down. "oh it's number 1."

"it was you?" came an accusatory voice from behind the girl.

belly's older brother steven had managed to sneak in without the girls noticing. diana always thought he was cute. she's had a crush on him since forever.

when she was 5, she started kindergarten. that's where she met belly and taylor. it look weeks to convince naya kumar to let her go over to belly's house after school. she finally gave in but under one condition; she had to meet belly's parents. luckily, laurel and john were happy to sit down for dinner.

at the age of 9, her, belly, and taylor were upstairs in belly's room for a sleepover. diana left her bag in the kitchen so she told belly she would run downstairs to get it. when she was in the kitchen, she didn't have her glasses on, causing her to run straight into 10 year old steven conklin.

"oh diana i'm sorry!" he apologized. "no it's fine, it was my fault." diana was a little bit taller than steven, due to her being on a constant growth spurt. "what are you doing down here anyways? aren't you supposed to be with belly and taylor?" diana nods. "yea, uhm, i just forgot my, uh, bag." she points past steven to the burgundy duffel bag behind him. 

"oh okay. let me get it for you." before diana can protest, he turns around and picks it up for her. "here you go." he drops the bag in her hands. "thank you, steven." she smiles. "it's nothing. you should go back upstairs." she nods. "yea, yea you're right. uhm, goodnight." he smiles back. "goodnight diana."

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