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- 23 january 2007

book written in first person, OC- Käde Buckley, 17 yrs old :3 if u hate slowburn and that then don't read BUT dw too much bc i'll make it as 'fast' as possible!!! thx🤞


I awake in my student flat, looking out the dreary window. it's always so grey and glum in bristol, but it's still my home. i go to the bathroom to comb my messy locks and try my best to wipe my smeared mascara from the night before.

being a student and all with a small job at my local newsagents means im not earning a lot of money, not barely enough for meals. it's difficult to live by yourself at 17, my mum lives in germany with my grandparents and my dad is god knows where. i had to stay here in bristol so i could do my a-levels and such. it gets lonesome though really.

i decide it's not the best decision to stay in bed all day fantasising about a possibly better life, i put some true religion black jeans that really flattered me with a big studded belt and a tight zip up hoodie.

it's also my birthday today, so i decided to go to a cafe and treat myself. even though i haven't got much money being a student. it's still nice to treat yourself on an occasion like this.
once i've ordered my coffee and cake i sit down and listen to the radio playing through the speakers,

"hello KISS FM listeners! hope you're all having a good tuesday, here to welcome a band on this morning, all the way from germany, with their latest single coming out in just 3 days, here is tokio hotel!"

i ignore it, not thinking much of it. there's bands on kiss fm all the time, till a name appears which flips a switch in my mind.

"bill kaulitz"

bill? kaulitz? what about this name is so familiar? i can't seem to think and i just decide to not bother,

for now.

i get back from the cafe and chuck my keys on the coffee table, i have a small computer, it's pretty shit but it works.
i send off an email or two to the place i work for and scramble online,

'Tokio Hotel" i type.. waiting for what feels like a year for it to actually load.
nothings working, which causes me to just give up and slouch in bed.

i've heard of tokio hotel before, i just hadn't given them much thought, especially not their names. the only chances i had of listening to music was the old radio in my flat and the few cds i had laying around. or the 30 second usher song clip i recorded from some ad on tv on my flip phone.

30 minutes later i get a phone call, from "this caller isn't in your contacts"
i ignore it, stupid scam calls 24/7.

i decide to have a nap, setting an alarm on my clock for 7:30pm

22 missed calls
man, have i got a stalker or something??? i check to see what number and it's the exact same as the previous call i had earlier. i try push it off but it makes me feel uneasy, i have no way of my number getting out, and i never go on dates so it can't be some crazy ex or anything.

i shrug it off but it still lingers in my mind for a good while. i drift back off to sleep.

FIRST CHAPTER sorry not rly any exciting bit there but i just wanted to show the main character and that and make it mysterious i spose🤓🤞
lava u💋

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