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I woke up just like any other day, this time the stress of new classes and teachers was pounding through my head. I did my usual routine before searching around for some painkillers while eating breakfast. I applied soft makeup and brushed my hair, I wore a cropped white, off the shoulder sweater with my fave leather mom jeans.
Hey be on timeeee!!
I willll
I texted Amy before grabbing my bag and leaving.
"Hey!" I yelled as I ran to hug Amy.
"Hii! She squealed, returning the hug.
"I don't know how I feel about this, I barely had the stomach for breakfast!"
"Don't worry I know you'll be fine, just stick with your friends and try to avoid drama. I don't think your heart can take it." She chuckled.
"You're right, ugh I really hope that everyone just minds their own business this year. I really can't deal with those girls, they're actually so smug it's sickening."
"Well just try to keep a low profile,-BUT please be yourself, it's time everyone saw the real you" I tried to interject but she cut me off. "I know it's scary but maybe try starting with the small stuff, like raising your hand once or twice in class and going to the toilet during class."
"Mm maybe...yeah I'll try, thanks" I smiled.


We arrived at school and went to find Anna but she was off somewhere else with her sister.
"Right! What've you got first?" Amy clapped.
"Ugh maths" I groaned.
"Don't worry it will be fine! Plus I got French first, feel bad for me". She giggled before walking off to her class.
Even though I was scared I tried not to show it on the outside, luckily Anna is in all of my classes which helps me a lot.
I reapplied my lip gloss and brushed my hair, I then proceeded to spray my favourite perfume all over the right places. I always made sure I was slightly earlier than everyone else, trying to avoid the rush of people in the corridors. I walked into the classroom to claim my spot at the back. As I did so I was greeted by a husky voice. "Hello, you are?" I turned to face the owner of such a voice only to make eye contact with the most attractive man I've ever seen.
"I-I am Y/n" I stuttered, struggling to get my words out.
"Hm what a pretty name" I blushed "tell me why you're not outside like everyone else?"
"I don't like being around them sir, to rowdy. Plus I wanted to claim my seat" I smirked while making my way to the back.
"-Do you not want to sit near the front?"
"No I-I can't"
"Why not?"
"I just don't like everyone being able to see me"
"I just don't like it"
He nodded and watched me take my seat before a familiar face walked in.
"Heeeyyyyy!!" Anna squealed as she ran to me.
I looked over to see the new teacher smiling down at his desk.
"Hiii! Where were you earlier?"
"Oh I'm so sorry I had to help my sister with something are you ok?"
"Yeah don't worry just wondered"
A few other students came in and did their own thing quietly. The teacher went to rummage through a draw at the back of the class.
"Are you ready for this year, I know it's a lot"
"Um yeah I guess, just have to keep a low profile, I don't think I'll be able to take anything this year. If those girls get worse I don't know what I'm gonna do."
"Well if they do I'll slap 'em all"
"Thanks but that will just make things worse" I chuckled.
"You know they're just jealous right"
"Ha! Jealous of what?"
"Oh come on you're so pretty and talented and smart. Aaand they could never have a personality like you." She smiled, patting my back.
The teacher returned to the front of the class now that everyone has arrived, his delicious cologne creeped up my nostrils as he brushed past.
"OK EVERYONE" he clapped. "My name is Alex Carter, DO NOT call me anything other than Mr Carter or Sir, do you understand?"
The class all nodded and mumbled. Mr Carter proceeded to hand out some work sheets while telling us the instructions.
Further into the class, everyone was quietly chatting and getting on with their work. Maya and a couple of her friends were gossiping as always about what happened over summer and obviously about how hot Mr Carter was. I noticed her undo one of the buttons on her shirt. What a slag.
Mr Carter wondered around checking up on everyone until he reached me.
"How you doing?" He asked, standing over me, his dreamy green eyes stared down at me and his strong hands leant on the desk in front of my paper.
"Uh yeah good-I think, I've just forgotten everything over summer" I chuckled.
"I'm sure that's not true, here let me help you"
He took my pen from my hand and moved next to me, his cologne swarmed my senses once again and his closeness gave me butterflies.
The class quickly ended and me and everyone went on with their day.
"So what do you think of him?" Anna asked, nudging my arm.
"He's nice" my eyes drifted, a smirk twitching the corners of my mouth.
"No, what do you think of him?"
"Okok, he's really hot"
"Knew it" she said smugly.

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