Son of Scorpion oc (Author Insert) bio pt 1

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Name: Danzo Hasashi

Gender: Male


Age: 17-18(but is Immortal and Eternal)

Personality: (Same as Mk9-x-11 Scorpion), Kind, Caring, Loving, happy, energetic, a bit cocky, comedic, serious, calm, cold, rageful, emotional, Flirty, a bit shy and embarrassed, Brutal, Ruthless, Friendly, Determined, Brave, Vengeful.

Aliases: SCORPION, Spectre of Hell and The Netherrealm, King Of Hell, King of The Netherrealm, God's Punisher, God's Judge, Jury, and Executioner, The last of The Shirai Ryu, Hell's most powerful.

Race/Species (Before Death): Human

Race/Species(After Death): Demonic Scorpion Hellspawn Hybrid

Backstory: Danzo was the eldest son of Hanzo and the Eldest brother of Satoshi. The Shirai Ryu made peace with The Lin Kuei. However in this timeline. Instead of The Lin Kuei killing The Shirai Ryu. Quan Chi sent Demons to annihilate the said Clan. With Danzo being the last survivor, he fought off the demons without breaking a sweat. However they overwhelmed him and at the end they killed him. He was sent to Hell where he met...... ZARATHOS! The Spirit of Vengeance now Ruler of Hell. Zarathos offered Power to Danzo to seek Vengeance. Zarathos chose Danzo as his Champion. But at the cost. Danzo becomes a Demonic Scorpion Hellspawn. He then took the title of SCORPION Champion of Zarathos.


Father and Mother: Hanzo and Harumi

Father and Mother: Hanzo and Harumi

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Status: Deceased

Little Brothers: Satoshi Hasashi

Little Brothers: Satoshi Hasashi

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Status: Deceased

Clan: The Shirai Ryu

Clan Status: Deceased

Hell brothers: Ghost Rider and Spawn

Hell brothers: Ghost Rider and Spawn

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