Chapter One- Nothing Is The Same

Start from the beginning

I used to tell Alley everything. She knew everything in life but since Caleb had came into the picture… she knew nothing. A whole bunch of things had crashed around me and she was never there to comfort me.

“Have you been talking to him?” She asked quietly.

“No.” I mumbled. I looked up to find Mr Cross staring at me warningly. “He’s sent me a bunch of messages but I haven’t answered.”

“Why not?” She frowned. “Sam you should answer. He’s our best friend. He just wants things to be the same.”

“Nothings the same!” I snapped.

Alley leaned away, looking like I just kicked her or something. “What’s wrong?” She whispered in a hurt voice.

I rolled my eyes. You don’t know. You don’t know anything anymore. “Detention after school Samantha.” Mr Cross said bleakly. “This is a study period not a social club.”

I looked back at Alley to find her looking at me apolitically. “Sorry.”

“Whatever.” I muttered. I gathered my stuff as soon as the bell rang and escaped the room. I felt her eyes on me the entire way.

I snapped out of the memory and stopped where I was.

Where am I?

I hadn’t been paying attention to where I was going as I walked along the pathway. An ally was behind me; shops were closed and everything was dark.

Geez Sam. You really are smart.

I immediately turned around and found the gun pointed towards my head. I almost wet myself. “Give me your bag.” The guy said angrily. “And I wont hurt you.”

See what I mean when I said that everything could change in a blink of an eye? “P-please.” I stuttered. My palms started to sweat. “Don’t hurt me.” I don’t know why I said it. I was frozen. He already told me to just give him the bag. “There’s nothing in here.” I swallowed back my dry throat. “It’s just school books.”

He grabbed the bag from my trembling hands and searched threw it. Books landed on the floor and inside I cringed.

There just books Sam. Your life is so much more important.

He glared as his dark eyes stared at me. “Where’s your wallet?” He demanded.

And he never would know where my wallet was because suddenly there was a fist was thrown towards his face. In one strike the guy went down.

Blake stood there.  Without a word, he grabbed my arm quickly and the bag before we started running.
“My books!” I yelled.

He looked at me as if I was crazy. “Leave them!”

I tried to keep up with him as my breath came in heavy gasps till suddenly my foot fell from under me and I landed on the floor. I lay there for a second in pure shock before Blake grunted a sound, lifted me up and started carrying me.

I stared up at him with wide eyes as the world around me started to double over. I was staring up at his bright blue eyes before they swirled into a pool of blue.

“Here you can put her on the table.” I gruff voice responded. I instantly felt something solid I was laying on before I snapped my eyes open. “Sleeping beauty is awake.”

I awoke to the sight of Blake. His face hovering over the top of my own. Instantly, I started to study his features. He had a strong jaw line … those eyes had a hint of dark blue inside them, it was almost hidden… and his lips were full and kissable.

Don’t think about those lips. Blake smiled a perfect row of white teeth. “You almost scared me to death.”

I stared up at him. “You saved me.”

That smile grew. “No need to thank me.”

 “Where am I?” I sat up as Blake leaned away. I was sitting on a cold metal table in the middle of what looked like a kitchen. Men and women were running around it, the smell of meat overwhelming the air.
“My uncles restraint.” Blake responded.

A guy standing a little away smiled towards me; it was the same smile as Blake’s though he was a middle-aged man with darker hair. “Sam right? Blake told me that you got yourself into a little trouble. What were you doing walking around those parts of town?”

“I- I don’t know.” I stuttered. “I lost track of where I was.”

He chuckled. “Not so smart but very pretty.” He winked towards Blake. I noticed something in his eyes that he was communicating towards Blake.

I watched as Blake shook his head and smirked. Wait what? Was his uncle silently asking him if he was going to sleep with me?


What type of messed up family is this? Not that I can talk. Mine was pretty messed up. But not like this.
I jumped as soon as Blake’s hands pulled up my jeans. “Whoa!” I yelled. “Get your filthy hands off of me!” I kicked his hands away and instantly felt the pain of it. “OW!” I felt the kitchens eyes on me.

Blake raised an eyebrow. “You grazed your leg. I was just going to take a look at it.”

I bit my lip and pulled up my jeans. It hurt and it wasn’t easy. Damn you skinny jeans. Before I could respond Blake suddenly had a knife. I don’t know how he managed it but with a quick flick he had the jeans cut up on the other side of my leg, where there was no blood. “Hey!” I yelled. “Not all of us can afford a new pair of nice jeans.”

He snorted. “You think of these as nice jeans?” He rolled his eyes and picked up a box that his uncle passed him before he walked away. “I’ll buy you a new pair that’s more expensive.”

“That’s something a rich boy would say.” I muttered. “I don’t want your money.”

“That’s something a poor girl would say.” He chuckled. I watched warily as he pored some kind of substance onto a tissue and pulled the rest of my jean up easily. I was way too aware of his fingers on my bare skin. “This is going to sting.” He laughed at the look I gave him. “It’s disinfectant. You don’t want it infected.”

“Whatever doctor.” I snapped. 

That annoying smirk stayed on his lips as he dapped the tissue on my bloody leg. I watched him as I sucked in a breath each time it touched it. To stop thinking about the pain I studied his face. I could see why so many girls wanted him. He had an easy charm and pretty face that drew them towards him. “You can stop staring at me now.” He said without looking up. “I’m finished.” There was a light pressure as rubbed the rest of the long band-aid over it. He looked up at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “Want me to kiss it better?”

I pushed him away and hopped down, ignoring the pain it caused. “I don’t want you kissing me period.”

He laughed and started walking out the kitchen. “Come on.”

With no other choice I followed him out side of the kitchen and into another room. We walked past a lot of people seated at tables mostly couples who stared at my leg. Ugh, I hate Valentines Day. Pink and red love hearts were stuck against every inch of the place.

Blake sat at small table towards the back but before he did, he said something quietly towards a small blonde who blushed and nodded. I watched as she disappeared. “Is there anyone you haven’t slept with?” I said as soon as I sat down.

Blake leaned against his seat. “Yes of course there is. She’s just getting us drinks.”

“Oh, I just thought that because she blushed…” My voice trailed off.

He smirked. “But yeah I slept with her.”

I glared at him. “You’re gross.” I blinked as something occurred to me. “How did you know that I was there?”

“I was following you-“

“Yeah, because that’s not stalkerish at all.” I rolled my eyes, “Why were you following me?”

He frowned, “If you let me finish, maybe I could explain. I was following you because I noticed that you didn’t have a car. I thought that I could you give you a lift though I lost where you went. Lucky that I found you in time again though.”

“This day could not get any better.” I said sarcastically. The blonde girl passed me drink. I looked up at Blake.

“It’s just coke. You look a little weak.”

I shrugged and sipped the drink. Instantly I started to feel better. “You hate Valentines Day huh?” I looked away from the pink heart I was glaring at.

I raised an eyebrow. “Is it really that obvious?”

Blake chuckled. “You must really hate that Mase kid for leaving.”

I tightened my jaw and looked away again. “Don’t we all hate it when people leave?” I felt tears brim my eyes, quickly I looked away towards another heart.

“I hate it too.” I looked at Blake. For once he wasn’t smirking. “Or when someone changes.”

I swallowed hard and stared at him, I felt one of my tears fall though I didn’t wipe it away. His hand reached out and slowly wiped away the tear. “Must suck.”

I didn’t say anything but drank the rest of my drink. “Come one, Ill take you home.”

I spoke. “I can take myself-”

“You really think that I’d let you do that?” He interrupted. “I’m taking you home Sam.”

I followed him. “You know my name.” I said in surprise.

He turned around and smiled. “Why would you think that I don’t know your name?” Blake stopped next to a black convertible. Typical.

I opened the door and sat in the passengers seat. “I’m just Alley’s red head friend, I didn’t think that anyone knew who I was.”

He shook his head, “How could I forget such a kiss?”

I glared and sunk into the seat. “Please don’t bring that up.”

“Why not? I was better then that Mason kid right?”

“Don’t try and bring him up either.” I snapped. “I’m really not in the mood.” I stared at the dashboard. “I don’t remember getting into this car before.”

“That’s because you were passed out.” Blake chuckled.

“I’m so glad that my misfortunes amuse you Blake.”

He looked at me with a fake shocked expression. “You know my name!” I rolled my eyes. “Where do you live?” My heart sunk as I stared outside as my thoughts raced. “Earth to Samantha. Where do you live?” He repeated.

I swallowed, met his eyes and told him. Blake drove the rest of the way in silence till we reached my so-called house. I knew the house because I often walked past it and wanted it to be my own.
I gripped my bag. “Thank you.”

He stared at me blankly. “For what?” 

As if he didn’t know. “For saving my life and helping me.”

Blake smiled, “Anytime Samantha.”

“It’s Sam.”

“Whatever you say Samantha.”

I rolled my eyes and felt myself smile. “See you around Tyler.”  Though before I could walk away, the window was rolled down.

“So I will be seeing you again?” He smirked. “Excellent.”

Oh dammit. What have I gotten myself in? I watched his car leave safely down the road before I started walking down another block towards my house.
I swear the things I do to risk my life. Fear bubbled in
side of me as I limped towards my house. What if another crazy guy wants to try and kill me again?
Streetlights marked my way safely as I hurried my pace.

At the end of the court, I noticed Blake’s black convertible parked in his drive way and his light on inside his room.

That’s right. I lived right next to Blake.

The reason why I told him my house was another block away? I don’t know… Maybe because I didn’t want him knowing that I lived right next door to him… or maybe it was the fact that I didn’t want him to know that I really was poor. But why would I care if he knew that?

In comparison to Blake’s massive white mansion my house looked black, unkept and disgusting. Well, I guess that it looked that way to any other descent house in the court.

I opened the door and instantly heard the sound of my mother with another guy upstairs. I closed the door and leaned against it, the days events instantly flooded in my memory as I let the tears I’d been trying to hold in release.

My dad left us during the holidays. My mum was a slut. My life was lovely. After dad left things started to go down hill. We were forced to move in this small dump hole where my mum decided to bring home whatever guy she wanted.

When Blake said how he hated it when people change… he had no idea how much I actually agreed with that or with how people leave....

Tears flooded down my cheeks as I fell to the floor. My leg throbbed in pain.

I miss Mase.

Everything in life changed in a blink of an eye.

Nothing is simple. Nothing is easy anymore.

Life is a mess. 


There you have it! 
The first chapter of Never Going To Be You. I really hope that it's going to meet your expectations with Someone Like You, obviously there not going to be the same story. As you can already tell things are a little more difficult for Sam then they were for Alley. 
None the less tell me what you thought :) xoxo
votes and comments ! 

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