"Calm down, now. We have important business to attend to now." Snape said in a loud voice, to get everyone to settle.

Y/N fanned her face, to get herself to cool down from the fit of laughter she just had.

After lunch, the Weasley twins kept teasing Harry with a song that went something like : "His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad.".

"Guys, what's this about?" Y/N asked the twins after Harry left their side.

"Oh, you haven't heard?" Fred turned to Y/N, a mischievous smile on his lips.

After Y/N shook her head in denial, George informed her about the Valentine Harry got and the way it humiliated him in front of a whole crowd.

"Oh no, poor Harry."

"At least we got more material to tease him with this school year." Fred nudged her.

Y/N chuckled "I guess you do. But don't overdo it, okay?"

George looked at something over her shoulder and smiled. He looked back at her "Well, guess we better go. Gotta leave the two lovebirds alone, eh?"

Fred smirked and winked at the Slytherin before they both left.

"Leave who?- AAH!" Y/N flinched as she felt an arm slide around her waist. She looked at the person and smiled, punching him softly in the chest. "Ced, don't do that. You'll give me a heart attack."

"Sorry..." he shrugged "... Can't help it. Anyway, I have to tell ya something."

"I'm listening..." Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"Me. You. After dinner. Quidditch Pitch. Love you, bye." Cedric kissed her forehead and left in a rush, leaving the Slytherin stunned.

"I..uh, what happened?" she asked herself, then sighed. "I guess it's time to play dress up with Evie again. Hmm... would blue be an appropriate color? I think she'll dress me in either pink or red..."

She mumbled to herself on her way to her dorm. As she entered the common room, her eyes landed on Draco.

"Hey, little brother. What's up?" she sat next to him and pat his head.

After a few seconds he pushed her hand off his head "Fine, like always..." he leaned closer to her and whispered "But don't pat me when others are around. I'm grown."

Y/N laughed and nodded "Sure, buddy. Suuure. By the way, have you seen Evie?"

He shook his head. "No. And also, why would I care about her whereabouts? She's no friend of mine."

"No, but she is your dear sister's friend. I'm looking for her and- Oh! EVIE!" Y/N sat up and rushed to her friend's side. "We need to go upstairs."

Evie, having an idea it has to do with Cedric, obliged and they went to their room. That's when Y/N told her everything.

Evie nodded "Mhmm... I get it. Well, pink'll do. It's Valentine's Day, after all. Lemme see what I can do for ya, love."

She got up and started going through Y/N's clothes.

"I remember a pink top your mom gifted to you for Christmas... Where did you put it?"

"I don'y have the SLIGHTEST idea. YOU're the one who organises my clothes-"

"Because you won't-"

"Because you BUG me about wanting to organise my clothes." Y/N laughs. "You want to be my stylist, so you're the one who constantly goes through my clothes. You should know where you put it, Evie."


Y/N made her way down to the Pitch, half an hour after dinner. She squinted her eyes, trying to see if Cedric had something planned, beside their usual flying lesson, but to no avail. It was just him, sitting on the ground, two brooms next to him.

"Heyy! I'm here!"

The Hufflepuff turned to face her "I thought you wouldn't- Wow! You look BEAUTIFUL!"

He stood up, a big smile on his face, taking in her appearance. 

"Thank you! Evie had a BLAST today." Y/N chuckled.

"Did you get any Valentines today? From other guys?" Cedric crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

Y/N shook her head and smiled "Nope. Not one. Also, THANKS for not getting me one. They are hillarious, yes, but humiliating in a way. Evie received a few and got teased by the Slytherins and a few Gryffindors..."

"Let me gues... Are those Gryffindors two mischievous red-headed twins?"

"Bingo! Right on the money!"

The two laughed. Y/N reached for her broom, but Cedric put a hand in front of her, stopping her.

"What? Aren't we gonna fly?"

"We are... But first, I got a surprise for you. Stay here, okay?" he smiled and got onto his broom.

Y/N nodded and watched him fly high up, taking a pouch from his jacket. He threw it in the air as high as he could and blasted it with his wand.

The Slytherin gasped as a message formed in the sky: "I ♡ U, Y/N"

After Cedric landed back down, Y/N hugged him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "How sweet. Where did you learn that?"

"In my spare time, after school. Got some help from the twins too... They're pretty smart when they want to."

The two chuckled at the boy's statement.

"Happy Valentine's, Ced." Y/N smiled.

"Happy Valentine's, little snake." Cedric said as he played with a strand of her hair.

Until sundown, the two flew on their brooms around the school grounds and had fun.

A/N : Finally back! Greetings and sorry for the long wait. I was on vacay and school started 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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